2315NDT v2 CMOS X-ray Detector User Manual
This document describes design elements and integration information for the Varex Imaging
2315NDT CMOS X-ray Detector. Applicable mechanical, electronic, and software interfaces are
addressed. Varex Imaging Digital X-ray Flat Panel Detectors and their accessories are
components designed to be integrated into products by X-ray system manufacturers.
Manufacturers are responsible for qualifying, validating, and certifying their products for their
intended uses and meeting all applicable regulatory requirements.
The 2315NDT CMOS X-ray detector contains specific models for which the main difference is the
scintillator or X-ray shielding of the flat panel X-ray detector. Final application and intended use
is determined by the X-ray system manufacturer and is based on the completed X-ray system
It is the responsibility of the X-ray system manufacturer to confirm, safety, efficacy and
compliance of the X-ray system for its intended use, inclusive of the detector. The Digital
Radiography Software referred to in this manual is industrial imaging software for digital
radiography, which is typically supplied by the X-ray system manufacturer or third-party
provider and is not part of the 2315NDT CMOS X-ray detector.
The Varex Imaging 2315NDT CMOS X-ray Detector is a component of a digital imaging system
for generating radiographic and dynamic images. Final application is based on the completed
X-ray system design. It is the responsibility of the final device manufacturer to confirm the
safety, efficacy, and compliance of the system for its intended use. Manufacturers are responsible
for qualifying, validating, certifying their intended use on their specific application, and meeting
all applicable regulatory requirements established by local or national government authorities.
Unless otherwise specified, Varex Imaging Flat Panel X-ray Detectors are components intended
to be integrated into products by X-ray system manufacturers. System manufacturers are
responsible for qualifying and validating their products for their intended uses and meeting all
applicable regulatory requirements.
Limitations of Use
The following limitations on installation and usage are in accordance with the identified hazards
and device classification:
When installed in a host system, the detector must be installed within a housing or cover that
prevents direct contact with the operator.
The detector must not be used as part of a control or feedback system.
The detector and associated components should only be installed and
used by persons with appropriate training and experience and in
accordance with the instructions given in this manual.