Before installing the speakers, carefully plan the loca ons of the speakers accoun ng for poten al
electrical, plumbing, and other xtures.
Keep speakers approximately 2 feet away from corners and other surfaces that might interfere with
or cause sound re ec on.
Contact your local dealer if you need help installing the speakers.
We highly recommend that you paint the
grilles prior to installa on. If you decide to
paint the grilles in the future, it is best to
remove the grilles by simply detaching
them from the speaker. When pain ng
the grilles, remove the clothe material
behind the grille and be careful not to clog
the holes of the grille. Make sure the paint
is completely dry before rea aching.
When pain ng the ba
e of the speaker,
the provided paint mask MUST be used.
The tweeter can pivot to enhance direc vity
of the speaker. Either point the tweeter at
the listening area for a direct sound source or
ect the tweeter o
a wall for a di
There is a tweeter and woofer switch on the
front of the speaker to adjust the treble and
bass output. Factory se ng is set at 0dB. If
more treble or bass is desired, adjust to the
+3 posi on. If less treble or bass is desired,
adjust to the -3 posi on.
Prior to actual installa on of the EDW speakers, it is necessary to run cable to the speaker loca ons.
For new construc on applica ons, a new construc on bracket may be installed prior to drywall to
allow precise placemen
t and ease of fi
nal installa on. For exis ng construc on applica ons, use this
cut out template. If you are not sure of poten al obstruc on behind the moun ng area, start by
cu ng a small hole at a 45 degree angle towards the inside of the hole in the center of your
penciled moun ng hole.
Cu ng a small hole a
t an angle fi
rst will make drywall repair much easier if necessary. See diagram
Once c
rmed that there is no obstruc on behind the moun ng ar
ea, fi
nish cu ng the hole at a 90
degree angle.
Connect the speaker cable while ensuring pr
oper polarity with the amplifi
er, + to +, and - to -.
Insert the speaker and ghten all four moun ng screws on the front of the speaker.
Do not over ghten the screws. This could damage the speaker, wall, surface, or both.
Adjust the speaker to your preferred se ngs and a ach the grille.