Van Walt Ltd | Prestwick Lane | Grayswood | Haslemere | Surrey | GU27 2DU | Tel. 01428 661 660 | Fax. 01428 656 808 | www.vanwalt.com
QUICK START GUIDE: Tetra 3 Personal Gas Monitor
+44 (0)1428 661 660
This guide is meant to serve as a quick reference for operating the Tetra 3 Personal Gas Monitor. It is for your
convenience and is not intended to replace the information found in the Operations Manual provided.
1. Ensure unit is in clean air
To turn on unit press & hold operator button until red LED flashes.
Unit will activate & proceed through a warm up sequence (45
3. Once warm up sequence is complete unit will display an Auto
Zero screen. Press operator button once to confirm auto zero. If
auto zero is not confirmed within 10 seconds unit will proceed to
run mode without performing zero
4. Unit is now in run mode.
In the event of an alarm: refer to Calibration Certificate and
attached sheet for alarm thresholds
In the event of gas concentrations exceeding the alarm thresholds
for any gas being monitored, Tetra 3 will activate audio, visual &
vibrating alarm signals.
When gas levels return to normal you can reset unit back to normal
run mode by pressing the operator button once. Unit will only return
to normal run mode if gas levels are no longer in alarm.
To turn off unit, press & hold operator button for 5 seconds
To Bump Test
1. Unit must be turned on & in normal run mode
Clip & fasten flow plate to unit with hoses correctly
connected to inlet & outlets
3. To start bump test, swipe magnet over Crowcon bubble
badge on front of unit. Display will show GAS TEST & a
progress bar
4. Turn on gas regulator while progress bar is
counting down. Progress bar will complete
after approx. 40 seconds & a pass or fail
message will appear.
Disconnect flow plate & press operation
button to return to normal run mode.
If Bump Test fails contact Van Walt for assistance.
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