Valmet 309 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 309

Страница 1: ...neral Cylinderheadand valvemechanism 11 optionat equipment lnlet andexhaust system Turbocharger 1 Edition 15 1 1986 YAITIT VALMETCorDorrllon Llnn vuo i Wo ka 372i10LINNAVUORI Flnl nd Tol lntl 35831il0...

Страница 2: ...n d ln technlcal data nd repalr Insfructlons All n tasu rgments a e In nllllmsires and valld yh6n thg iemperaiur of the paris ls 20qC unless othefti ls9 sta ad Before star lng rsprlrs makEsure tha you...

Страница 3: ...4 5 24 5 D t t 108 t20 l7 l 2 5 21 6t I D 6 t08 t20 l7 I l r fr 2 1 21 llt Ds 6lt Ds Ds8 6 6 6 t08 120 l6 I l t 5 6 2 1 21 ill I D 1 4 4 108 t20 l7 l 2 1 5 24 612 DS 6 7 4 r08 ltI ltrl t 5 H 2 4 21 l...

Страница 4: ...ltr ged bearlng holdq scr rs M 8 6ll Ja 612 22 Crankshoti end nui lO9 lll Jo 4ll 600 Crakshaft end nul 6ll and 612 10m Screvs of addlllonol counterbalances4l 45 Coolonl pumppulley nut M 14 IOO Fuel eq...

Страница 5: ...lngthe camshaffbearlng bushes6ll 612 2 6 F Camshaftcorrecilon be6rlng bushes5ll 411 2 6 G Camsh ttcor ecilqr bearlng bush 509 2 6 H Comshattcorrecilon bearlng bushes611 612 2 7 f Fftflng fha blaklng p...

Страница 6: ......

Страница 7: ...lght of cyllnder llner tlange lst overslzo p rl no 8f65 f6B2B l lelght of cyllnder lln r flange 2nd overslze pa t no 8J65 J6829 Helghi of cyllnder llner flange frd overslz6 p ri no 8165 j68lo Outq d l...

Страница 8: ...bush chamfgringreamerfor cyllnder llner bore Tool for exirac lng and ro aflng cyllnder llner 309 Tool for extractlng and ro aflng cyllnder llner correctlon reamerfor cyllnder llner flt lng 309 Correc...

Страница 9: ...Self madetools cyllnder blck and flyvrheel houslng A35t 9l5 emov lng and fl lng equlpmenffor ihe bushlngs ot he cansha O o o or...

Страница 10: ...nder llner flange and cyllnder head The accur te flf ln9 of the cyllnder llner flange and he mating face of ihe flange ln the cyllnder block ls also essentlal for ihe iop end seallng l e ask you io no...

Страница 11: ...d to fha houslng lo oddltlon h houslng has a rDuntlng polni lor ihe s arter The bot o f c ol ihe flyrh el houslng Parfly acis os the maflng tace of ihe ol I sunp seal so lt nay not dlffer much from lh...

Страница 12: ...on lis lowar end and draw he llner ou fron the cvllnder block CHECKI NGIHE CYLINDER BI OCI Carefully clean the cyllnder block of ol I and other lmpurltles preferably In a ashlng rnachlne Afier Hashln...

Страница 13: rve the varylng ouiar dlangters of th bush holes In the cyllnder block rhen renovlng and tlttlng ihe bush s Rsnove the b arln9 bushes by tapplng rlth a sultable dr I ft fa Instance Clean the bearln...

Страница 14: ...1 T p the blocklng plug In i s place ylih the f lttl ng iool 9025 87400 Notel Be careful no io lap ihe blocklng plug oo deepbecause hls rlll affecl lhe com sh ft end playl Thorefore alrays use a flftl...

Страница 15: ...lnggaugeand sel lf to zero tlih a carefully cleaned cyllnder block top face Move he dl l gauge onto ihe top of he cy I I nder ner f lang and note ihe gauge readlng Corry oui ih measuremeniln tour dlff...

Страница 16: ...k ls badly corraded ai he lorer o rlngs of ihg llner you can Install a thr groove cyllnder llner In 5ll 4ll and 6ll englnes spare pari no 855524480 The cyllndsr llners rl h ovsrihlck fop flange lll 4l...

Страница 17: ...scr vrs 19 l tn io ll0 iln REPLAC ING I IE CRANGMFT FEAREI D SEAL DIsrnou nf the englne Open the flyrhesl retalnlng scrers and renbvo ihe f lyr heel Rerpve fhe old shaJf seal Be careful noi io damage...

Страница 18: ...ngthe valve guI de l I E Replaclng the InJecior s eeve l I F Machlnlngthe valve seof J 9 G Replaclng the valve seoi r1n9 l 9 H Grindlng the valves l 9 l Flttlng he valves l 10 J Fl tlng ihe cyllnder h...

Страница 19: ...5 nm lnnei sprlng 47 nrn ouier sprlng Rccke rn shafi d lamefer Inslde diamefer o rocker arm bearlng bush rhen fltted ln oosl lon ouiside dlamefei of rockq d m bearlng bush DlanEier of ocker arm bore M...

Страница 20: ...nd ilp ol com 41 44 Camllfi 1 44 comshaflmaxDermlsslble datlecflon 0 05 toial Indlcstor r tdl ng caEhafi 4l I camshof bearlng journal no l 509 comshattbearlng Journal no lll camshaftbearlng iournals n...

Страница 21: ...g llttlng lever Torqug orm Exhaustv6lve seat level cutier 509 also lnlet valve Exhaustvolve seat cufts f09 clso lnlel valve Exhausivalve se f lnslde cuiier 509 also lnlat valve In lst valve seat level...

Страница 22: ...28 O rl ng 29 O rlng 109 ll cnd 4ll nglnes have a one part cross flor cyllnder head of casf lron rhere each cyllnder has l s ol n Inlei and exhausi channel on opposlte sldes of he head The rlgld cons...

Страница 23: ...xhousi volve guldes l are rep loceable and lnterchang ab 16 Hlgh porer turbocharged5ll and 4ll englngs and all 6ll and 612 englnes have separate replaceablE valve s af rlngs 2 The InJectors a e gncomp...

Страница 24: ...t collei SprI ng col lcr Valve sprlng Volve sprlng Sprlng cup Exhaus valve lnlst valve Gear Key Camshaft Threadplug Th c msh ft 22 sltr raied In fhe cyllnder block lves l he vclve mechanlsm lhrough th...

Страница 25: ...d lf the cyllnder head is ilghfly fltted d rnot tap a edge bet eon lhe cyllnder block and head slnce thls may damageihe seallng l8ces REIIOV ll lc IHE VALVES lf you Intend io fl he sane valves back ma...

Страница 26: ...han uslno fhe neniloned flt lng drlft the upper end o fhe gulde remalns ai the correct level 18 mm above ihe cyllnder head lace and he ol I gulde bevel siays Intacf l Cle n fhe lnJ c or sleeve bore ln...

Страница 27: ...urnlshed rllh separate valve se t rlngs lf the seallng surface ls so torn that ll canno be lrDroved by machinlng repl6ce the seai rln9 Grlnd he hsad ot fhe rejected valve so tha lt flis ln o the seai...

Страница 28: ...of 80 Nn then io 40 Nn and f In lly o 160 Nn Insl all Dush rods ln thelr oosl lons and flx ihe v lve gear io ihe cyllnder head Tlghten ihe valve gear flxlng brackgts evenly and lhe ou ermosf brackeis...

Страница 29: ...lve geat flxlng bracksts evenly and the outernosi brackets so lhat lhe yashers o thg rocker arn shat gnds beslde the lock rl ng rotaie lreely ll Run lhe englne for abouf 50 nlnuies lth a llght load Tl...

Страница 30: ...cup plugs In fhe shaf ends are ln lhelr posl lons 324 Not There are ro types of rocker arm shat s ln use In he shaf used earller thsre Here fldo horlzonfal ol I bores for lubrlcatlno all rocker arms T...

Страница 31: ...glne fron ls c mpletely open Checklhe valve clearancaof the lsf cvilnder 327 lf the clearance dlffers f dn iho ra lng open the lock nut sllgh ly and adjust a correct cloarance vllth an adjus lng screx...

Страница 32: ailon In runnlng dlrectlon so ihot the valves of ihe 2nd cyllnder re rocklng Check ihe valve cl6oranc6of the 5th cyllndf Proce d rlth ch cklng the clearances In lhe InJec lql ordEr lnjectlon order...

Страница 33: ...ctlng rod bear1ngs 4 12 C Overslze plsiqr pln baarlng bush 4 12 D lnspecifng he connectlngrod 4 12 E Connecilngrod relgh c Iasses 4 15 F Inspec lngand replaclng ihe plslon r1ngs 4 14 O lnspectlng the...

Страница 34: ...1 0 5 4 6 Pln bore In plsion I 40 0m 40 006 Plston pin dlarEi er 19 995 40 000 t dfh lsl 2nd frd I ldth lst 2nd Jrd of r ln9 gaoove gr ve groove gr ves 2 560 2 540 3 0ro 1 050 5 040 5 060 0 07 0 102...

Страница 35: ...lng rod blg end bore Tlghtenlng irque of conneciing rod bearlng cap screis 612 lnslde dlameier of olston pln bush whenbush pressed lnto connoc lngrod Ouislde dlame er of pls oo pln bush standard ouis...

Страница 36: ...60 48t 60 500 O 000 40 l60 0 046 0 098 69 988 70 018 69 7tA 69 78 69 488 69 5tI 68 988 69 0l8 68 488 68 5t8 0 51 o l ol 47 0 47 08O 41 2O0 47 280 41 4O0 41 4AO 0 00 0 i20 0 0J I 0 Ncmmax 67 981 68 000...

Страница 37: ...robble oJ flyrheel clutch fac neasuredat lnner edge of clutch t ace Tlgh enlngiorque of flywheel reialnlng scrers r Addltloncl coonterbalances ill I englnes Eacklash bsfweengef si crankshaft gear rlr...

Страница 38: ...8160 85825 836t 85826 4360 91121 9024 74200 24 558oO Plslqr rlng p I lers Plsion flttlng ioo I J09 Plsicrf flttlng iool 3ll 4ll 6ll 612 Crankshaff gaar extroc or Crankshaft end nut rrench t0g tll 411...

Страница 39: ...o has grooves for fl lng the hub plece 8 and ihe oulley 13 ls flxed to ihe hub Betweenthe hub plece and ihe gears there ls an ol I deflec or 10 and ihe dust cover tor the shaff seal 9 is locaied on io...

Страница 40: ...o lhln layer ot lead lndlum f hlch f6cl I l tales he runnIng ln 44 PIston l Combustlonchamber 2 Casi lron r Ing 5 Clrcllp 4 Plsion oln 5 Bearlng bush 6 Connect I ng rod 7 Chrome p lafed cornpresslon r...

Страница 41: ...pd fs rlth o and fro rptlon lhe pls ons and l he s nall end of conneqt lng rods The bodv l of ihe coun erbalan rEchanlsm ls flxed io ihe cyllnder block bottorn face The shafis 3 locaied in the body h...

Страница 42: ...hat they wlll not pr vent you from removing he cr6nkshafi Loosen the retalnlng scrers ot the naln bearlng caps and reirove the caps Llft fhe crankshafi ofl from lts posltlon CIfCKING THE CR iIKSHAFT v...

Страница 43: ...he oli port Lubrlca e he bearlng shells In the cyllnder block and the c ankshaft bearlng journals Llfl ihe crankshaft back lnio l s placa and sllp the thrusi bearlng shells ot the cyllnder block ln o...

Страница 44: ...loose lf you de ec a den on the ouier surface do not lnsfall he damperback ln the enoIne Vlbratlon damoersdellvered as spare paris do no havo InJec lon ltmlng nark Make the marklnq on ihe ne danper on...

Страница 45: ...of the 612 enoln6 flrst nd ihon oach crer 9Oo connectlng rod scrsrs lo the orque ol l0 Nm Pr ss he ner bush In lts place Ensurg ihai the ol I hole In ihe bush colncldes rlth the respectlve hole in th...

Страница 46: ...n bush ouier edge and ihe lnspec lon tool plane surface Then urn the connectlng rod the o her vay round and measure he samedlsfance agaln The dlfference may nol exceed0 6 nrn 420 l 4easure he length o...

Страница 47: ...4361 36117 8361 36518 4361 36179 8361 36580 8J6l 16581 8361 36582 8361 t6r83 at61 36544 8161 36545 8J6l 16586 8361 36141 8561 16588 8161 36549 8361 36590 8361 36591 4361 36592 8361 36593 Spare pcrt no...

Страница 48: ...rreci dlstance betwsen he plston head and cyllnder head Always replaco all ihe pls ons ln one englne to have ldenllcal plsj ons Max permlsslble relght dlf erence be reenpls ons In one englne ls 25 g T...

Страница 49: ...mber faces he respec lve number on the connecilng rod Tlgh en fhe nu s of 109 3l I 4l I and 61I englnes ln phases o the orque of 90lln Tlghien ihe connec lngrod screws of 612 englne as lollows L Preil...

Страница 50: ...n erbol nce wl h a suliable drlf Bgfore renovaI mark the bush oll groovo posltlon on ihe counierb lance Press the ne r bushes onio he counferb8 ance no Ing he ol I groove posliion After flitlng machln...

Страница 51: ...g ls towards the flv heel and he ch nfe ed side ot ihe teeth iovrards the s tarter f Lef ihe siarter rlm cool dorn na urallv F ITTII G T FLYXHEEL Clean he maflng faces on ihe crankshafl rear f lange a...

Страница 52: 5 I SDefal toofs 5 2 Consfrucilon 5 l Repalr lnsfruslloos l G ar houslng A Remov lng he gear houslng 5 6 B Recondltlonlng he ldler gear 5 6 C Flftlng the gea houslng 5 6 D Replaclng he crankshaf...

Страница 53: ...ierol ldlor gear splndle Tlgh enlnglorque oi Ml0 retalnlng screi Tlghtenlng iorque of lrll4 retalnlng screy 8f61 8J54 rlih plaln bearlng splndle lengih 50 7 nn Inslde dl aflEfer of ldler gear bearlng...

Страница 54: ...lfi fq dusi covei T plng drlft fo doreI pln T pfng lft tor doreI pln G ankshaf fror i end nut rrench JO9 Crankshafl fron end nut rrench 6ll SPEC AL IIn_S t 90JoI m 2 qzt gm l 9025 98m a 25 9Er7N n21 7...

Страница 55: ...seaI 9 Shleld p laie 10 Nui ll Seallng 12 Flller plpe ll O rI ng 14 Cover 15 Washer 16 Spacer 17 Bearlng houslng 18 Gasket 19 BearIng 20 Clrcllp 21 Drl ve unl shaf 22 Plug 23 Seallng rlng 22 23 1314 5...

Страница 56: plaln bearlng Is used 4ll and some 611 englnes Thls assembly can be furnlshod wlth drlven by ihe camshaft gear The 6ll englnes have a slmllar verslon of assembly equlpped t lth a longer ldlor shafi...

Страница 57: ...Moun lng parts ol ldler gear rlth bevelled ball bear Ing l Screx 2 Scre 5 Fl nge 4 Reialnlng rlng 5 Bevelled ball bearlng 6 Gear 7 Shaf 8 Locklng pln c 5...

Страница 58: ...the Injec t lon pump englnes rhere lhe Injectlon punp ls flxed io the gear houslng Opgn ihe ldler gear flxlng scrgus Romovo tho ihe refalnlng flange gear nd shaft Notcl I f lhe cy I I nder head and v...

Страница 59: l Crankshaft gear 2 Gear drlvlng oll pump 3 Camshattgear 4 ld ler gear 5 Injectlon punp g ar 4 Place the ldler gear shatt ln poslilon and lnstall the ldl r gear on fhe shaff lhen lnsialllng ihe ldl...

Страница 60: ...rl h bevslled boll be6rlng can lf necessary have iro shafi seals ln a ror Also the ooslflon of the shalt seol can b altEred by ftitlng J rin thlck shtm underneaih the sgel The order nunber for ihe shl...

Страница 61: ...ons l Lubrlcrtld syslqr A Insp ctlng the oll pressure reguletlng va ve 6 5 g Rqlbvlng ond Inspecilng the oll punp 6 5 C Assembllngand lnsi lllng fhe ol I punP 6 5 D Replaclng fhe oll c ler 6 6 E Plsto...

Страница 62: ...lghfenlng torque of gear re talnlng nut Oll pu p 6ll 612 Backlesh befr een gears rhen crankshaft l1 6 tlrmly ag lnst the lorer slde ot Its bear Ing crankshafi drlve gear oll pump drlve ge r betYeen ol...

Страница 63: ...In the cronk shaf he ol I ls then led from fho maln bearlngs io he connecflng rod blg end bearI ngs The lnjocflon pump and ihe turbocharger also gef thelr ol ihrough ihe maln dlsirlbuilon gallery and...

Страница 64: ...slmllar ln consfrucilon ond vary from each oiher malnly vl h ragards to gear dlnFnslons Pressuro rogulatlng valYe In lll 4ll and 6ll englnes the pressure reg rl llng valve ls located ln ihe gaar housl...

Страница 65: ...or for lnsiance loca edon he englne fronf end and connec edio the fllter bracket wlih plpes The oll clrcula lng In the oll cooler ls cooled rll h enolns coolanf oll tl ltq ol cDl r conblnatlon 0ll f...

Страница 66: ...e oll punp lnlet DlDe and r irovethe lnlei PIPe only open ihs flxlng screws on the oll Pumpend and leave the pressure plpe In lts posltlon Open the oll pump flxlng screys Reflpve ihe pump and posslble...

Страница 67: ...mberof shlns bet eenthe pumpbody and the cyI I nder block Aitach ihe pump Inlet nd pressure plpes and replace lhe flxlng llange gaskeis Flx ihe oll sunp to the englne and flll ihe englne rlfh oll REPL...

Страница 68: ...f after fhg oll sumphas been removad The nozzlo has a ball valve t lih an oDanlnq pressure of 5 0 25 bar lf necessary clean ihe valve Renpve ihe valve from he englne and iake off l he nozzle plpa 0p9n...

Страница 69: ...r SHPD VISCOSITY GRA DE SAE grade Tenpgrature 30 20 10 5W 20 5W 30 5W 40 10w 10W 20 10w 30 10w 40 15W 30 15W 40 20w 20 20w 30 20w 40 30 0ll of CD grade can a lso af er run ln p r I od 10 20 30 be used...

Страница 70: ...Thenrcsfct A Renovlngand Inspectlng ihe thq dpsiat 7 5 2 Coolant pulp A Removlng fhe coolani pump 7 5 B Recondlilonlngfhe coolant punp 309 lll and 4ll Ipackageb6arlngsn 7 5 C Recondlflonlngtha coolan...

Страница 71: ...clslon of fan M x oermlsslble eccentrlcliv of fan Tlgh enlngtorque of boll pulley flxlng nu Coolanf punp 6ll and 612 nglnest Ouislde dl d ler ol bearlng lnslde dlarEler of bearlng houslng ln pumpbody...

Страница 72: 4 9051 40200 5 9051 64900 CoolIng sys em Coolan pump Coolanl pump Coolant pump Flttlng tooI Fltilng tool hub exirac or lmpeller extrac or f09 fll and 4ll lnp ffer exfracfq rcll 612 for coolant pump...

Страница 73: ...thermost t opens letllng pori ol the c lan clrcul te hrough fhe radl ior ond part hrough ths by pass l hen the thermosta t ls lully apon lt closes he by pcss plpe no J09 englne and hs coolani flo s th...

Страница 74: ...mpllxed io ihe cyllnder block tronf face The purp ls drlven by lhe cr nkshali bel pulley hrough the v belt The J09 3ll and 411 englnes have he pump shat and bearlngs s an Iniegrated unl or he pumpls e...

Страница 75: ...llgh ly loadlng lt untll you see ih i ihe thq mosia ln lts posltlq operetes nq mally 2 OLANT flTP A REIOYI G IHE ML I T PIIP l Draln he englne c lant Dlsconneci he upp r and ihe lorer rater hoses Ope...

Страница 76: ...5OO 6ll cnd 612 englnes Removethe locklng rlng fron ihe pump body Press the shaf and bearlngs out of he body iowards the fan wl h e g a hydraullc press Support ihe body so tha th6 bearlngs comeou TaDt...

Страница 77: ...aroundthe bodv Flx the pulley v belt and fan Tlghten ihe alierna cr flxing screws J Insfall he connectlonsfor the heatlng devlce and oll coolgr and h9 enolne heafer of ihe f y I Inder engInes 4 Flx t...

Страница 78: ...t 8 4 8 4 v5 8 6 l Inlet cnd exh ust systerl Inspectlng the alr fllier Inspectlng ihe Inle and exhausl plpes Turbochargsr A Do ermln lng ths condltlon of fhe urbocharger i B Renpvlngthe iurbocharger...

Страница 79: ...of shaf Tlghtenlng iorque of urblne houslngretalnlng scretrs Mgxl2 Tlghtenlng orqueof iurbo houslngre alnlng scrers t 6x12 Tlghtenlng torque of bearlng houslngre alnlng scrers M6xl6 Tlghtenlng iorque...

Страница 80: ...ths engln coolani clrcula lon rfresh raier c I rcu lailon opercf lon ot th turbchrgcr englncs The englnes h ve an exhaust charger l e 6 iurbocharger where par of ihe energy of the exhaust gasos ls utl...

Страница 81: ...out 1 1 5 iurns after he flange gasket ouches hs fl lter houslng dge tlotol The safeiv elerpnt Inslde the alr fllier ls not to be rsnoved unnecessarlly In connoctlon rlih fhe lnspecllon and servlca of...

Страница 82: ...or exhaust plpes leaks ln gaske ot turbo moun lng flonge lnjectlon pumpilmlng lncorreci r opeiailon rautty fhrofile leveragetalsely adjusiod lnjecfors falsely adJusi doi malfuncflonlng fuel fged pres...

Страница 83: ...gefher ylth the seallng rlng 24 and llfi off tho lurblne shleld plats 25 from he shaf Removethe ou ermost lock rlngs 16 fron tha bearlng houslng Pu your flnger flp Into ihe baarlng 15 and pu out bqth...

Страница 84: and lnlet manlfolds are properly fas ened and thelr jolnis tlght Ensure ihat there ls no loose carbon resldue or rust or o her forelgn par lcles lnslde the m n lfolds Fl the turbo flange on ihe iop...

Страница 85: ...nlfold cl he 6l l1612 englnes Place a ney seal qr ioD of fhe lnlei manlfold and lorer tho cooler in lis Doslilon Set a gaskei on top of ihe cooler flxlng flange and lns all fhe lntercooler houslng on...

Страница 86: ...v Ing the Injectlon pump 9 14 D Moun lng ihe Injecilon purlP 9 15 E Ch cklngand replaclng the pressura v41ve 9 15 F Adjustlng ihe ldllng sp d 9 16 I nJoctlon purp Bosch iPi A Mounl lng he lnjec lqr pu...

Страница 87: ...oponlng Feed pumppressure rllhoui an I nJector BOSCH pressur0 of fhe overf low valvo overflotr v lve ConsirucfIon openI n9 pressure Con rol pressure Seallng r lng Tlghienlng lorque ot he nozzle retaln...

Страница 88: ...1 SPECIAL ToOLS Fuel sysiem JO600 Pressure valve es lng gauge lt09l Exiractor for lnjeqtlon punp gear 99100 Injectlon tlmlng check pln 10002 Pressure valve spanner Bosch rrPn 975f9 Injectlon lnle chec...

Страница 89: ...r 8 lden lflcatlon ola e The InJec lon pumpls an In llne pumpand lfs baslc cons rucilon ls the sameIn all enqlnes lrrespectlve of the cvllnder number punP vaTer forces f I lfer The lnJectlon punp pump...

Страница 90: the runnIng poslilon Pressure valve 9 5 l Pressureyolvg holder 2 V6lve sprlng J Valve stefl 4 Valv gulde 5 Valv h ad 6 Pressurs reducilon plston 7 Longliudlnal ga ves The pressuro valve ls placed o...

Страница 91: ...h englne speed ylthln the rhole speed range and recognlses ihe speed wlth the help of the cen irifugal Helghis l Th poslilons ot ttE ihrqf le lever and he c6n rl fugal relghis are iransnltted io ihe c...

Страница 92: ...e baslc adJusimentof he feod ra e ls made by urnlng the elemenl houslng whlle fhe feed sfari ls EdJusiedby chonglngtho ihlckness of ihe shlms sltuated under the elemeni houslng tlange The closed type...

Страница 93: stroke After fhe eccen rlc has rota ed oast lts loD deod c6n re lf ls followed upvard by fhe plsfon pressure pln f and ihe rol ler tappet 2 prassed by ihe sprlng Durlng thls phase fuel ls fed throu...

Страница 94: ...uel ls then e iected through the holes 9 In the nozzle bod I 6 Into ihe combus lonchamberol he cvllnder The tenslon ot ihe pressure sprlng lrhlch delerm I nEs the openI ng pressure o fhe InJecfor c n...

Страница 95: ...l l er cover Scrne englne l ypes are equlpped rlih a double f I lter r ith selec I n9 va lve rhe eby one I I lier carirldge can be replaced rhlle the englne ls runnlng FiEL FILIER C v 6l11612 ergln9sl...

Страница 96: ...rt devlce Thls plasilc reservolr stores ihe fuel n ded by the burngr and th9 exlra fuel rsturns furlher io the fuel iank In someequlpttnt and work nachlnes he breather plpe 4 of h therrnosiarl devlce...

Страница 97: ...y turn Ing llpe leaked fuel otf ICASI R I tG TI FEEDPR SSiNE Cl6an the lnJecilon pump and the fl l er externally 6s rell as he fuel plpes Inbetreen U brush and sultable solveni 4 B 1 t Attach ihe geug...

Страница 98: ...l he hcnd purp frdr tho lnJoctlon puip as xell as the plug or conneqtor noar lt 509 lll 6 Rd pvg the vclvg sprlngs and valves frqn th f6 d pump body Check the condlilon of ihe valve gasket surfoce cnd...

Страница 99: ...t the tlmlng as lnsiructed In Dolrf 9 2 B After checklng and posslble adJustlng Install ihe InJec lon plpe 6nd fhe conlrol rod cover Let ih e englne run for o lel mlnutes and recheck Thus you con ensu...

Страница 100: ...Removglhe check plpg and open ihe pressure valve holder Place the Dressurevalve s emln Its poslflon ieplace the seallng rlng and the 0 rlng and ntouni th valve sprlng and the holder 7 Tlghtu tho Dr ss...

Страница 101: ...3lructtd s lnpolnt92B 8 Attach ihe lnjef lon plpes 9 lf yos change th lnJectlon plpe or lf the lnj cllon pump lube oll has b n dralned add oll lnto the Injectlon pumpbefor starflng tt e englne Open ih...

Страница 102: ...ddi lonal affect ihe ldling and open iha adjustlng screr sprlng so ihal li does not sPe d Adjust he ldllng speed by ihe adjusflng screw a t abou 20 rpm beloi tho ra lng Race lhe englne lor a fer ilmes...

Страница 103: ...ilp re alnlng nut io 140 Nm Attach drlve to 50 Turn he crankshafi io a oosl lon whereihe lsi cyllnder has lts Injec lon ilmlng The Injetlon tlmlng ls markedon the vlbrailon danp r of ihe cranksh af l...

Страница 104: ...dlrecilon untll the InJecilon ilmlng nark on ihe vlbratlon damper Dassesthe I ndlcafor Ensur that ihe rexcess fual feed butfon r on iho slde ol ihe boosi pressuro rsgulaior ls nol swliched on Remove t...

Страница 105: ...It so open the safely nu of ihe ldllng speed adjusflng screw and adius ihe ldllng speed to ihe ratlng Tlgh en the adjustlng screr and flx ihe satety nut t otEI Oiher adjustments ouipui and max speed...

Страница 106: ...g pressure rhlle o thlnner one rgspectlvely lorers ll A 0 02fl1 dllference In ihe shlm thlckness changes ihe oponlng pressure by about 5 bar Becauseihe nozzle openlng pressure drops sllghtly affer a t...

Страница 107: ...eaks appearagaln replace he nozzlg C DISASSEIGLING CHES I IG ANDASSEI BL It G I IIIJECTfi I 45 Parts ot c Bosch I nJoqtor Nozz le holder Shlm Pressure sprlng Prsssure pln Intermedlate plece Nozzle Noz...

Страница 108: ...nd flnally flghten rlth a iorque wrench to 60 Nn In cose ihe InJector ls Bosch and to 90 Nn lf lt ls CAV D INSTALLING IHE INJECTffiIN THEENGITG 9 19 Insialllng a Bosch Injecfor lilou n tIng lron l ash...

Страница 109: ...o E o FO OE n rtFFfl oro ar 9 o r7 r N t t t o o o rnoooo rr Fooooc oo F on stn oo r FFF F ltltll N st rn r1oooo f FOOOON oo F or o OE O PL oo o o o 8 t o l ao I o o dn L r1 o co o 6 I _o NO o r 20 L...

Страница 110: ...9 3 Eg3 o hb E 39E ooLo 0 E ou SSEE LO PX Et z o ooooo ooooN 8883 E 38 RS I F o XE o F o E lI t al L L o L o po o z o d3 o t o 8E L i t J dl s o z lrJ UJ l 9 24...

Страница 111: ...I o 2 tt o r r o I OL b o e o L s9 I g trJ s9 n9 o a E fi t f HE HC te fi trJ tL o qo r B o fi I o oo FO t G o o oo L F 2 H o lrJ 6 F z 9 25...

Страница 112: ...o o loo n o r DCOO O rr or oor NO OON oo F rn rtrrl J rrtr tn O O O O O rrrrtl r NFC N OO OA O ooooon oooooN o DF ora o OE o L 2 oo oo o o 9 od t E tL rr SR Lrr o d L o L QO c o o E N F o o 6 o No t...

Страница 113: ...E o o LLO 393 ooLo o F o t oo o LO 4q oooo 888 ooc ooooN ooooN 3838R oooo 8R8 8R8 8383R E o 8 o EL o N 8 8 o o o o t oq ur d L lrJ O IL st 0 TL kr 9 IL tt 3 F oo eE F6 D a o o FL L oo o oQ UJ J dt o...

Страница 114: ...o OL LO oooo o L E o LL D o o L O oL o 1 E ou o o o oooo o zt ooooo OOOOcrl OOOOcrl 88888 ooooN F oo_ E L o F F o XE EL o o o o oo l E IJJ Z uro L rrro o tt o F F o9l E C F sJ t oo E o t ao 9 lrJ 9 2E...

Страница 115: ...o o z n9 L F o aO OL LO OctL ooo o Oo ns o 9 s9 s9 s9 s9 I o o o F E U D IL Hq d o bJ 9 t d uz o trJ O t lrl d 0 o oo o F f E o JE oo R9 o sl FL L o9 FO o E r o 3E o sfr F z trJ z a z o E z...

Страница 116: ...T oooc ttl LO R888 rrrtl R 888S o OE FE o 4L qor F83 oo F83 888 RS L o D t t d o d t e 8 t o c d t G o t Fc l E a o IL t o t SR 0_ r l l N t t r o Hfi SR tt P o F z e E F N F I g n J ll lo FO F r ro...

Страница 117: ...Oc OL LO E oo LO rrJ o 9 o t rE oo o E l L o E o 9 FO Ll FE O PL L o R83 o o 9 o t c o J o F o oro o od 5 6 E o o ooro E o NO o t zO o q o o F t 3 o z o llJ ur 2 lrl t 2 r E lrJ t ct lr lrl 9 31...

Страница 118: ...1 E cro oooF oOrr F Q ooF Ooo6l ooF oon ooon ooF LO oo EL 8888 oooo l oooN oooo OOO J 388R o o o o o F o xe L o o o oo s 5 oq o o trJ d o o HC t o o o F 9o I E o JO odrl t5 o d s O Fe LN 8 JO 3 LF o a...

Страница 119: ...E n9 c OL LO C o or ooo b o oo n8 SR o o LO tL n9 n9 F s9 F g o n9 s9 n9 E gF o 6 o_ trJ dl IL 6 auJ q 6 IJo IL 6 H o o oo cd t o I 5F 8 d3 o o o cl o 8 ro d roo o d8 C t t A o t c I f E o 6 ro F 2 E...

Страница 120: ...o or o t 6E L g t E d E o L o ei o E rtttl ooooaT ooooN o c oe L 6 FE O FL Flo uoc o c ott F8R I o o o o 9 8E To p2 e o 6 lrl l c I o C oN t o 5S o o t o c o3 NO s_o LZ L o ttO EE FO no a OOto 99s o...

Страница 121: ...3 ooo ooo ooo OO 888 ooo ooo e 38R 38S 38R E o o o F o XE L o o N t5 o o o F o o ro o o d d l co o rrJo o_ tL s ITJ J Q o o H IJJ Z tL HS o LI IL tt o F o z x ia dt 3tE Fc d YJ o o d 88t 8t o o 9t E3...

Страница 122: ...F L E fE ooo r 99tr9 o or 100 o LO E za oooN IJ ooo 888 oo ooo OO l L 88R 88R 8 I o F XE EL o 8 N N N o o o o E s lrl al a s Hq t IL o H 3 F qo o A8 atso otL o qh od I dt 6 5 8 ET IR lo e I 6 E o F t...

Страница 123: ...L LO 8 3h no I o HH HHS o t 3S D t o o H s r rl o o s trJ o_ d o d L H s t tu II IJJ Z L Lrl O o s rrJO t o qo z J CD o6E 69S coF OJ o 6 o dl E o D F Eg o 9 lo lc r o L c a C c o o c I C F dl o F z E...

Страница 124: ...o o o z o t 9 OL 8 3b b o oE HP F HH o o oc o e o HS HS oo trJ E d L c o L F oo o D Ot E o o o dL o co o 5 d 3 8 Es o a A o u o c T F c o o F lrl o o lrJ F ts z 9 38...

Страница 125: ...o o ELECTRICJ L EQIIIPICI T INDEX T chnlc l data Alfernaiors l0 S arters l0 5 o o 10 0 vAlitEr...

Страница 126: ...6000rpm Eorih I n9 Mox al lorEd sDaed Brush l6ng hrhgn neH Mln brush 1engih Brush sprIng lEnslon Number of s ator poles Nunb rof siatr phases Staior res lstance Rotor rgs lsfanca Regu lat Ing volfage...

Страница 127: ...reslsi nc Roior res lstance Regu I atlng voliage MIn sllp rlng dlameter Brush length whenne Mln brush leng h Tlghtenlng orqueof hoxagqrnui of sh4f1 Altornator Bosch T 28 v 95 A 16 Nomlnalvoltage Ouip...

Страница 128: ...vvv I u l amperager t 670 A orque 20 8 Nm 2 1 kpm vol a9e 8 0 v Values Iocked runn Ing speed 0 amperager r r ll A iorque 45 4 Nm 4 6 kpm mln vo l aqe 5 0 V Brush sprlng ensici Er rsh 11 6 15 5 N 1 2 1...

Страница 129: ...lEx Controlllng he opera lql ot stop solgnold ll Coopressq 8end1x ll 2 A Rerpvfng and flxlng the conpressor ll 2 B R condltlonlng itF cdt pr ssq ll 2 Ss vlclng end cdJusilng ihe Industrlcl c utch ll 1...

Страница 130: ...etxeen the lixed sprlng con tacis and itle fllovlng contac undea the covei is min 1 0 rm rhen the s top solenoid plunger B is fully draHn ln englne stop posi ion No el Fo i he opera ion of ihe s op so...

Страница 131: ...IrcUn lng surfaces lf needed renpve ihe drive gear from he compre ssor Flt a ner 0 rlng seal lo the colnpiessor mountlng f lange Aftach the drive gear Tlghten he gear retalning nut o 140 Mn Push the c...

Страница 132: ...ihe inlet and dellvery valve seats 0nly sllgh even wear ls perml ted lf the dellvery valve sea s show conslderable wear renew he valve plaie C l he Inle valve sea s are excessivelv worn replace ihe c...

Страница 133: ...usler lock and the Inspectlon cover AdJustlng tlp nlln b arI ng The tapered roller bearlngs on ihe drlve shafi nusl be adjus ted rhen he shaft eod pl y exce ds0 25 rm 4 Inspecilon cover PuI l oul hole...

Страница 134: ...uff lclenf 0 10 0 20 rfln Replace the lock plate and ihe lnspecilon RerDvlng fhe poflsr take ff froo the englno Dlsconnect lhe drlvs from ihe clutch and remove the pulley coupllngand fhe shafl key 2 S...
