Hyperion Optical Sensors - Operating Manual:
MANUAL-1013637447-3 | issue: 1.6
Page | 21
– Valeport Ltd
6.3 Operating Modes
Hyperion can operate in a number of modes.
The set-up of these modes uses a macro like format where a command C02 or M16 (# not
required) will set the unit into a particular mode and set multiple filter settings appropriately for that
mode and update period.
Other operational modes and filter settings are available - please contact Valeport with your
specific requirements.
6.3.1 Mode C - Continuous
Mode C is the default setting for Hyperion.
In this mode the instrument will be set into a continuous output cycle of appropriately meaned and
filtered data.
Mode C02: (C zero 2) will output a reading every 2 seconds. This is the maximum synchronous
observation measurement period.
Mode C04: (C zero 4) will output a reading every 4 seconds but that will be a mean of 2, 2 second
synchronous observation measurement periods.
6.3.2 Mode M - Continuous Measurement
Mode M will perform a measurement and data output at the rate specified up to 16Hz.
Filter settings are appropriately set for the update rate.
M1: performs continuous measurements at 1Hz
M2: performs continuous measurements at 2Hz
M16: performs continuous measurements at 16Hz