After the countdown timer reaches zero, the Atlas will automatically change to the home screen.
The timer will continue counting up in the background, until the End button is pressed.
It is a good idea to press the End button at the finish. Along with the starting line, both the start
and end of the race are recorded in the data log. As long as you remember to press End, this
will save you from manually determining them later.
Graphical Starting Screen
Along with the numerical starting screen, your Atlas 2 possesses a graphical starting screen that
shows a representation of your boat relative to the starting line in real time. First introduced on
the original Atlas, we’ve taken it to the next level with the introduction of the LEDs on the Atlas 2
which can show a range of starting information. Starting is a busy time, and we want you to be
able to choose the data YOU want to see to nail that start. Using the Customizable UI feature,
you can choose which starting screen (numerical or graphical) is the primary or default starting
screen. To give an overview of the graphical start screen, we created a short video contained in
this blog entry.
Atlas 2 User Manual
Revision 2022-3-07