Chapter 5 __________________________________________________________ Serial Commands
This chapter contains information that is needed to use the serial
commands for this product.
Output via the Serial Bus
R Starting the Measurement Output
R <cr>
Starts output of measurements to the peripheral devices (PC display or
printer); output interval is set with command INTV.
The output format depends on the transmitter configuration and
parameters in use. The order, however, is always the same: relative
humidity, temperature, and dewpoint. An example:
RH 43.0 %RH T 21.0 'C Tdp 8.0 'C <cr><lf>
When the transmitter sends out the readings, the serial interface does not
echo any commands; the only command that can be used is S (stop).
S Stopping the Measurement Output
Ends the RUN state; after this command all other commands can be used.
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