Chapter 2 __________________________________________________________ Product Overview
This chapter introduces the features and advantages of Vaisala
Humidity and Temperature Module HMM213.
Introduction to HMM213
The HMM213 modules are designed especially for relative humidity
measurements in environmental chamber applications with high
temperature and humidity levels. They also measure temperature and
calculate the dewpoint temperature.
The HMM213 has actually three different module options to choose
- Humidity and temperature module: with a standard humidity and
temperature sensor head
- Dewpoint module with a warmed sensor head incorporating a
composite RH and T sensor
- Humidity and temperature module with two sensor heads: with a
warmed humidity sensor head incorporating a composite sensor, and
an additional temperature sensor head for ambient temperature
The HMM213 is a RS232 serial output module. The customer has two
options for the humidity probe length. Furthermore, the module can also
be ordered with a suitable cable length (0.65 m, 1.50 m, or 3.0 m). The
temperature measurement range is -70 ... +180 °C).
Output parameters depend on the module type. The output parameters for
the RH and T module are relative humidity and temperature. For the RH
and T module with two sensor heads, the parameters also include relative
humidity and temperature and for the dewpoint module, the parameter is
dewpoint temperature. The dewpoint temperature range is
-70 ... +100 °C.
The probes also have a selectable chemical purge option. Note that with a
warmed sensor head, the probe length is always 90 mm and the sensor is
protected with a sintered filter.
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