Maintenance Manual________________________________________________________________
40 __________________________________________________________________ M210886EN-G
Alarm Data Processing
The system event messages that are displayed in the Diagnostics
application are a result of alarm data processing. Some of the messages
indicate problems, whereas others are merely intended to provide
The principal service in alarm data processing is the Remote Object Events
process, which gathers the alarm objects created by other processes. Most
processes can create their own alarm objects in error situations. For
instance, the SensorIO process creates an alarm object when it does not
receive data from a specific sensor. Meteorological processes, such as the
WIND process, create alarm objects if there are errors in the sensor data
they receive from the SensorIO process.
ROAPERS and ROASERV processes updates alarm objects when there is
an internal problem within the CDU, such as a ROA object or process
Alarm objects from all the services are transmitted to the Remote Object
Events process, which then updates a single ROAALARM object from all
of them. The contents of this object are shown in the Diagnostics
application as event messages.