Chapter 3 ______________________________________________________ Functional Description
VAISALA_______________________________________________________________________ 33
The following sections contain tables with examples of the processes. The
full name of the process starts with "Vaisala", which is excluded from the
examples to avoid redundancy. For example, "Vaisala Remote Object
Server" is presented in the table in the format "Remote Object Server.
System Processes
The ROA system processes provide the framework for other processes.
They manage all data objects in the system and generate alarms if there are
problems with the system. For a list of the essential processes, see the
following table.
The processes listed in the following sections are only a sample of all the
processes. As each system is individually configured, your system can
include processes not listed in this manual or processes with different
Table 6
Example ROA System Processes
Process Name
Remote Object Server
1) Provides a framework for other processes. 2)
Keeps record of ROA object names. 3) Enables
ROA processes to access ROA objects; delivers
ROA objects to AviMet applications.
Remote Object Events
This is an Event process. Based on the input
from other processes, creates the ROAALARM
object. The contents of the ROAALARM object
are shown as event messages in the
Diagnostics application.
Remote Object Monitor
This process monitors the status of the local
CDU and turns on alarms if any CDU problems
have been detected. The process initiates
switch-over if a local system fault is detected in a
duplicated system.
Remote Object Persistent
Delivers system configuration data to the
processes. Without this process, the system
cannot be started.
Sensor IO Service
This process acts as an interface to the field
sensors and other external equipment. Receives
sensor data and transmits it to meteorological
processes for calculations.
Sensor Time Service
Keeps device clocks synchronized with the
AviMet system clock.
List Alert Service
Checks the values contained in objects and
sends an alarm request to ROAALARM process
in case of errors.
Evaluation Service
Configurable process that performs customized
evaluations of information in the AviMet system.