Chapter 9 _________________________________________________________________ Playback
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This chapter gives instructions for replaying data with the Playback
Introduction to Playback
Playback is a feature that allows you to replay data from a specific period
of time in the past. The feature can be integrated with an AviMet
application, typically with a Weather View screen.
During playback, you will see exactly the same sequence of data updates
on the screen that were originally displayed on the screen.
Any period of time up to 1 hour can be played back from the last 30 days.
The display data objects are stored to the AviMet database with the original
data, status, and timestamp information. The Playback service reconstructs
the data objects and makes them available to the application display, for
example, Weather View.
Playback User Interface
The controls for the Playback feature are located in an appropriate place in
the user interface of the application that it is integrated with. For an
example, see