Administrative Access
If you are on the Controls screen, you’re logged in at the user level, or guest access is enabled and you’re
not logged in at all. Open the menu to log in as admin.
The default admin password is
, but this can be changed.
For best security, Vaddio strongly recommends changing the user and admin passwords from the default.
Using the default passwords leaves the product vulnerable to tampering.
The admin account has access to system administration tasks and performance/behavior configuration
tasks. System administration tasks are on the following pages, listed in the lower portion of the left
navigation panel:
Networking page – Configure date and time settings, hostname, and IP addressing.
Security page – Set passwords, manage guest access, and enable/disable Telnet access.
System page – View firmware version and switch settings, reboot, restore factory defaults, and update
Room Labels page – Information to display on the web interface screens, including the conference room
name and phone number and the in-house number for AV assistance.
Help page – Tech support contact information and a link to the product information library on the Vaddio
Diagnostics page – View or download the diagnostic log when troubleshooting issues.
Performance and behavior configuration tasks are on the following pages, listed in the upper portion of the
left navigation panel:
Camera page – Control the camera, make adjustments, create and manage presets and CCU scenes.
Streaming page – USB device settings and IP streaming.
Compact Menu View
By default, the navigation buttons in the camera's administrative interface display an icon and a text label.
You can also select the compact view of the menu buttons instead of the standard view. The button at the
bottom of the menu toggles between the two views.
Complete Manual for RoboSHOT USB Enterprise-Class PTZ Conferencing Cameras