This section covers:
Selecting the location for the camera
Installing the mount
RS-232 cable pin-out and communication settings
Settings for the physical switches on the camera
Connection diagrams
Connecting and mounting the camera
And a required safety note here:
PoE type networks connected to this equipment are for intra-building use only and should not be connected
to lines that run outside of the building in which this product is located.
Don’t Void Your Warranty!
Always support the camera's body when lifting or moving it. Lifting the camera by its head or mounting arm
will damage it.
This product is for indoor use. Do not install it outdoors or in a humid environment without the appropriate
protective enclosure. Do not allow it to come into contact with any liquid.
For RoboSHOT 12 USB: Use the power supply included with the camera or recommended for use with it.
Always check the output voltage listed on the power supply label, as power supplies for different products
may look nearly identical. Using the wrong power supply will void the warranty, possibly causing unsafe
operating conditions and damage to the product.
Do not install or operate this product if it has been dropped, damaged, or exposed to liquids. If any of these
things happen, return it to Vaddio for safety and functional testing.
Before You Install the Camera
Things to keep in mind when deciding where to install the camera:
Consider camera viewing angles, lighting conditions, line-of-sight obstructions, and in-wall obstructions
where the camera is to be mounted.
Ensure that the camera body can move freely and will normally point away from the ceiling and lights.
The camera will not perform well if it is pointed toward a light source such as a light fixture or window.
If the IR Remote Commander will be used, ensure that nothing blocks the IR lens in the camera's base.
Complete Manual for RoboSHOT USB Enterprise-Class PTZ Conferencing Cameras