5. This update can take up to 15 minutes, the pop-up message window will identify progress of update and when
it is completed.
After the update is complete, the new version can be verified on the front panel LCD display or user can log on
the web pages and navigate to the Help page. The version is displayed under system information. It is also
located under the System page.
Restoring Factory Defaults
The AV Bridge CONFERENCE can be restored to factory defaults with the dip switches on the rear of the device.
It can also be restored remotely with the internal web pages. The process for defaulting AV Bridge
CONFERENCE to factory settings with the dip switches is as follows:
1. Place all dip switches to the off position (down). A warning pops up (without crocodile sign).
Warning: Current Settings will be erased.
2. Press Reset on the front panel of the AV Bridge CONFERENCE. Device will reboot to factory settings.
3. Put all dip switches back up and proceed to set up the AV Bridge CONFERENCE once again.
You will need to do the initial device set-up procedure after restoring factory defaults.