VM150 / VM151
Copyright © 1997-2008
Revision 12-2008
Part #23020
Printed in the U.S.A.
is designed to operate as an intelligent power controller for cold product vending machines. Note that
VendingMiser may not be used on any vending machine which contains perishable products.
General Theory of Operation
Using a Passive Infrared (PIR) occupancy sensor, VendingMiser will automatically shut down the controlled vending
machine when the area around it has been vacant for 15 minutes. However, VendingMiser will periodically re-power
the machine automatically to ensure that the vended product stays cold. In addition, VendingMiser contains a current
sensor which determines if the vending machine's compressor is operating, and will delay power-down of the vending
machine until the compressor has completed its cooling cycle.
To install the VendingMiser, follow these simple steps:
Locating and Mounting the VendingMiser
Unplug the vending machine's power cord from the outlet. If it is
necessary to move the machine, be careful as it can be heavy. Note-
Each vending machine should remain on the same outlet/circuit
breaker at the end of installation.
Identify a suitable mounting location for VendingMiser, most likely
on the wall behind the vending machine. VendingMiser must be located so that the
machine's power cord can reach VendingMiser, and VendingMiser's power cord can
reach the power outlet.
VendingMiser should be oriented so that the operational lights are viewable by main-
tenance personnel.
Using screws appropriate for the wall material, attach VendingMiser's steel mount-
ing bracket to the identified location with the UP arrow facing towards the ceiling.
"Snap" the VendingMiser DOWNWARDS onto the mounting bracket. (To re-
move VendingMiser later, "Snap" the unit UPWARDS.)
Plug the vending machine's power cord into the VendingMiser. Do not yet plug the
VendingMiser into the wall outlet at this stage of the installation.
Occupancy Sensor or Sensor Repeater Installation
If the controlled vending machine is a single unit, or the first in a bank of machines,
a PIR sensor must be installed as described below to create a Primary VendingMiser. If this VendingMiser is not the
first bank unit, skip to Step 10 to install a Secondary VendingMiser.
The PIR sensor must be located so it can "See" anyone approaching the vending machine. Ideally, the sensor should
be mounted on the wall behind the vending machine, about two feet above the machine. Note the picture on
reverse side of this document - ensure that the TOP of the sensor is facing the ceiling. If low ceiling height above the
vending machine does not allow wall mounting, mount on the ceiling in front of the vending machine. This
requires that the "TOP" of the sensor points towards the vending machine to ensure proper operation. Always
avoid sensor placement near air ducts which can falsely trigger the sensor.
Repeater Occ.
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