USB 9531-9532-9533
Mirror Ball
Many thanks for purchasing this US Blaster product. Always read the safety instructions
below before letting a professional install this equipment.
- Always read the user guide before using the equipment.
- Keep the user guide in a place where everyone can read it.
- Use the equipment indoors and not in a humid rooms.
- Never remove or insert a plug from or into a wall socket with wet hands.
- If the plug and/or cable and/or cable input of the equipment is damaged it must be repaired by
a professional.
- Always take the plug out of the wall socket in the event of a thunderstorm, and also when the
equipment is not being used for a while.
- Never remove the plug from the power socket by pulling on its cable.
- Install the equipment in such a way that sufficient cooling is possible.
- Never use the appliance in the vicinity of heat sources and/or in direct sunlight.
- Make sure that no small objects or liquids can get in to the appliance.
- Only clean the appliance with a slightly moist dust-free cloth. Do not use cleaning products or
- The appliance contains no components, other than those mentioned in the user guide that can
be repaired or replaced by the user.
- If the appliance is defective, it must be repaired by a US Blaster qualified repairs company.
- Keep the equipment out of the reach of children.
Keep the packaging safe so that, if the equipment is defective, you can
send it back in its original packaging and so avoid any damage.
© US Blaster Europe BV
Voer zelf geen reparaties uit aan het apparaat; in élk geval vervalt de totale garantie.
Ook mag het apparaat niet eigenmachtig worden gemodificeerd, ook in dit geval vervalt de tota-
le garantie. Tevens vervalt de garantie bij ongevallen en beschadigingen in élke vorm t.g.v.
onoordeelkundig gebruik en/of het niet in acht nemen van de waarschuwingen in het algemeen
en gestelde in deze gebruiksaanwijzing. US Blaster Europe aanvaardt geen enkele aansprakelijk-
heid in geval van persoonlijke ongelukken als gevolg van het niet naleven van veiligheidsinstruc-
ties en waarschuwingen.Dit geldt ook voor gevolgschade in wélke vorm dan ook.