Spring '19
Assembly Instructions
Round-Top Backyard Coop
These written instructions, as
provided with your purchase, will
always be the latest iteration of the
instructions and match the coop
shipped and provide the most
complete up-to-date information.
We depend on feedback about our
instructions to implement changes
to future versions. Please know
that we value your input to that
ongoing process and endeavor to
produce instructions that are as
effective as possible for a wide
variety of customers.
Copyright ® Urban Coop Company all rights reserved.
This document is provided to you for your own personal limited use as a paying customer to assemble your coop. We
consider these instructions company intellectual property and are granting you limited personal use only. Do not copy or distribute without written permission of Urban Coop
Company. We claim all available Federal protection for the name Round-Top Coop™, our protected designs and trade dress as is allowed by any and all Federal intellectual
property protection laws. We invest heavily in your coop and work very hard to do a good job and it is only fair that our workers benefit for their hard work.
Shown With Optional Waterer & Feeder
Use your phones camera to read QR Code.
Representation of procedure... not instructions.
Help Text-line:
[email protected] re: Assembly Support
877-741-COOP | Assembly Support ext 3