w w w . u q d e v i c e s . c o m
L o g i c 1 6 U s e r M a n u a l
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Application Programming Interface (API)
Logic16 has a sophisticated software interface with built-in multi-processing support. One processor
handles USB communication and time-tag preprocessing. The other processor(s) is (are) free for
user handling of the read tags (storage / real time calculation).
Logic16 is accessible through a variety of programs. Using the ttInterface.dll (.Net) file provided in
the CD, users can program Logic16 in C#, LabVIEW, Visual Basics, MATLAB and Python. C++ is also
accessible with headers provided.
Disclaimer: Before accessing the .dll file on an API, ensure it is unblocked. To do this right-click on
the .dll file, go to "Properties" and under "General", check off "Unblock". Otherwise, Windows will
prevent the library to load.
.NET Setup
.NET assemblies can be integrated in most programming environments, including LabVIEW and
C#. The software interface is contained in the class ttInterface that is present in the file
ttInterface.dll. The .dll file can be found in the CD driver provided under the folder named
“TimeTagExplorer” within applications. This is only available for Windows.
Once a new Labview project is opened, create a contruct node to access the ttInterface.dll. You
can do so by clicking on the node and browse to file location. Then create and connect an invoke
node to access all objects and methods within the file.
Note: ttInferface.dll uses .NET framework 4.0 which is not officially supported by older versions
of LabVIEW. But it still works because none of the 4.0 features is actually used.
To use 4.0, the following configuration file is required:
The configuration file must be placed next to
and must be named
. The following example instructs LabVIEW to load the CLR 4.0:
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0.30319"/>