Electric connections to be provided from outside should comply with the rules below. These rules aren’t just
recommendations but the rules to be complied with in terms of user safety;
Equipments and cables to be used in electricity connection should be chosen according to maximum
current values given at schema and the catalogue in the following. Schemas will also be seen on the
device’s panel door.
Supply line directly should reach to the device panel after thermal magnetic switch
while being placed. There shouldn’t be any section, addition or intermediate element on the
Connections, over current protection and magnetic switches provided should comply
with CEI EN 60204 European norms. If leakage current relay will be used in addition to
magnetic protection, this relay should have a 30–300 mA blog. This operator will protect the operator
against isolation lines.
Grounding cable sections should by no means be under the values given at schemas.
These procedures should have been completed by customer before commissioning!
6.3. Voltage Phase Instability
If voltage imbalance exceeds 2%, the device should by no means be operated. This formula should be used
to find out voltage imbalance.
If measured voltages are AB=399, BC=395 in a feed in which Nominal supply is 400-3-50, if AC=406,
voltage imbalance is measured as follows;
Mean voltage value = (399+395+406)/3 =400 V)
For maximum deviation from mean voltage;
Maximum deviation value is 6 volts. In accordance, voltage imbalance is found as (6/400)*100 = 1.5%.
6.4. Area Control Cabling
Please consult with the technical service directorate of our company for area control cabling.