UAD‑2 Live Rack Manual
Chapter 4: Live Rack Application
Snapshots View
A Snapshot is complete Live Rack configuration file used for total session recall.
Snapshots contain all parameter values within the Live Rack application.
Snapshots View is a dedicated file management screen for saving, modifying, recalling,
importing, and exporting Snapshot files. Snapshots View has the four sections described
in the table below.
Snapshot Options
The options the Main Column contain the various Snapshot file and
folder management functions.
Folders & Snapshots Columns
Displays a list of user‑defined folders and Snapshots in two columns.
Recall Panel
Displays the currently loaded Snapshot, the currently primed (selected)
snapshot, and the Recall button to load the primed Snapshot.
Universe View
Displays a high‑level view of the currently loaded Snapshot. Colored
boxes indicate the presence and status of all plug‑ins in all channels.
Snapshot Defined
A snapshot is a complete collection of all settings for the entire active Live
Rack configuration. “All settings” are all parameter values in all Views,
including all plug‑in assignments in all channels, the current settings and state
(active, disabled, etc) of all assigned plug‑ins, and I/O Gain and Delay Group
settings for all channels. All Snapshots are user‑created.
Snapshots are saved as a disk file so the complete session can be subsequently recalled
and/or transferred between systems and operators. Snapshots can be loaded from within
Snapshots View, via MIDI, or from within Soundcraft Vi consoles via Ethernet using the Vi
CUE functions.
Snapshots files have the “.uadmix” suffix. File suffixes are only visible in the macOS
Finder when the “Show all filename extensions” option is checked in the macOS Finder’s
Preferences window.
Snapshots Folder Location
All Snapshot files are stored at the following location within the macOS file
• Macintosh HD/Users/[account name]/Documents/Universal Audio/Snapshots