UAD‑2 Live Rack Manual
Chapter 4: Live Rack Application
Global Displays
Items that facilitate navigation and visual feedback that is crucial in performance
environments are always displayed in the Meter Bridge and Info Bar. Banks of channels
and individual channels can be quickly navigated with the Bank Bar and Channels Bar to
quickly get to a channel for editing.
Navigation within the application possible with minimal mouse and/or keyboard motions,
and menus are generally only used for less common operations (e.g., global settings).
The application is designed to take extensive advantage of navigation using the
computer’s QWERTY keyboard for precise operations and to reduce targeting errors.
Keyboard Focus
When elements on the screen have keyboard focus, they can be manipulated with the
QWERTY keyboard. Keyboard focus in Live Rack is indicated by a yellow outline box
around the screen elements targeted for control with the QWERTY keyboard. These
highlighted items can typically be manipulated by using the up/down/left/right arrow keys
and/or the Return/Enter keys.
Edit & Safe Modes
To reduce the possibility of unintended results, Live Rack has two operating modes.
Operations that can cause significant impact to the audio (such as level changes) can
only be performed in Edit mode, while Safe mode is (typically) used during performance
to prevent inadvertent changes.
Live Rack does not have an Undo function. Operations performed
in Edit mode can only be reverted by loading previously-saved presets and/or
Offline Configuration
The application can be configured without connected hardware units for offline setup
and/or sharing the hardware with other operators. Additionally, import and export
functions are provided to simplify transporting user data between different UAD‑2 Live
Rack systems and/or operators.
Individual Channel DSP
To maintain the lowest possible input latency, UAD plug‑ins used on a single channel
must run on a single SHARC processor. Therefore, it is possible to get a “DSP load limit
exceeded” message on a channel even if the UAD gauges may indicate there is enough
DSP available.