UAD‑2 Live Rack Manual
Chapter 2: Hardware
Standalone Behavior
UAD‑2 Live Rack supports limited standalone functionality in the event that the
Thunderbolt 3 connection to the host computer is lost, or if the UAD‑2 Live Rack
hardware unit is power cycled and no host computer is found upon re‑powering the
Thunderbolt 3 connection lost – In the event that the Thunderbolt 3 cable is removed at
one or both ends, or if the host computer is otherwise no longer detected, UAD‑2 Live
Rack will continue to process audio in the same state as when the connection was lost,
including UAD plug‑in processing. If/when the host connection is reestablished, the
UAD‑2 Live Rack software will be updated to reflect the current state of the hardware,
and software control is resumed.
Reestablishing the Thunderbolt 3 host-to-hardware connection will
cause a temporary mute of the audio streams as channels and plug-ins are re-
allocated. In the event of a mid-show failure, wait until it is acceptable to hear a
mute in the audio path (e.g., not in the middle of a song).
Power cycled, no host found – In the event that power to the UAD‑2 Live Rack hardware
unit is completely interrupted then reestablished and/or the unit is manually power
cycled or reset, and the host computer cannot be detected after re‑powering the
hardware, UAD‑2 Live Rack will function in “all MADI inputs to all MADI outputs” mode
without UAD plug‑in processing. This ensures that audio can still be routed by the Vi
console, even if the UAD‑2 Live Rack software connection cannot be established.