UAD‑2 Live Rack Manual
Chapter 5: UAD Meter & Control Panel
This parameter also affects the “ click” modifier. For a complete list of keyboard
shortcuts for plug‑ins, see
Info Display
This area displays helpful text about parameters in the Configuration panel. Hover the
mouse over a Configuration setting to view the informational text.
Help Panel
The Help & Support panel contains numerous helpful weblinks to help you get the most
out your UAD‑2 Live Rack experience.
The button names are self‑explanatory. Click a button to open its page on the internet. If
the UAD computer isn’t online, much of the information is in the manual you’re reading
now; find the topic in the Table of Contents or the PDF reader’s search feature.
View Documentation is the only button that doesn’t link to the internet. Instead, clicking
this button opens the Documentation folder containing all the PDF user manuals at /
Applications/Universal Audio (see
“Documentation Overview” on page 18
Help panel