UAD‑2 Live Rack Manual
Chapter 5: UAD Meter & Control Panel
UAD Control Panels
The UAD Control Panel is where detailed system information is displayed and global UAD
plug‑in settings are modified. The UAD Control panel has four panels, organized into
similar areas of functionality: System Information, Plug‑Ins, Configuration, and Help &
Note: Some controls and/or displays in the UAD Control Panels do not apply with
UAD-2 Live Rack and can be ignored. These elements are used with Universal
Audio’s audio interfaces and DSP accelerators, which also use the UAD Meter &
Control Panel application. All exceptions are noted.
Accessing the Control Panels
Drop Menu
The main UAD Control Panel window is accessed from the UAD Meter window. To open
the Control Panel, click the menu button in the UAD Meter window Title Bar. After
clicking the menu button, the control panels are listed in the drop menu.
Tip: The Meter Menu functions can also be accessed by using the keyboard
shortcuts listed in the menu.
Control Panels drop menu
Panel Buttons
Once the main UAD Control Panel window is open, the individual window panels are
accessed by clicking their respective panel title buttons.
The Control Panel window panel buttons with System Info selected
Click to reveal