UAD‑2 Live Rack Manual
Chapter 4: Live Rack Application
Move Shuffle
If a folder or Snapshot already exists at the destination slot, the FOLDER/SNAPSHOT
EXISTS dialog overlay appears, presenting the following choices:
Shuffle – Automatically shuffles (moves)
populated slots, making room for the moved
item so all slot data is retained
Overwrite – Moves the item to the existing slot
and deletes the existing item in the destination
Import and export are provisions to simplify transporting all Snapshot files and folders on
the host computer between different Live Rack systems and/or operators.
For example, after completion of a concert or other project, the entire Snapshot folder/
file hierarchy can be exported to a USB thumb drive connected to the host computer so
they can be carried home without the system.
Import/export data file locations are fixed (import does not search the entire source
volume for exported data). The file locations are listed below.
Export All
All Snapshot data can be exported to any volume currently mounted on
the host computer. The original Snapshots folder hierarchy is retained on
The location of the exported data depends on the volume specified during export:
Exported Data Location – Startup Volume Specified
• Macintosh HD/Users/[account name]/Documents/Universal Audio/Exported
Snapshots/[user‑defined folder name]
Exported Data Location – Alternate Volume Specified
• [Volume Name]/Universal Audio/Exported Snapshots/[user‑defined folder name]
To export all Snapshots:
2. Click the EXPORT ALL button in the Main Column. The EXPORT ALL
SNAPSHOTS dialog overlay appears. The EXPORT AS name field is highlighted,
and the startup volume appears as the default destination in the VOLUME drop
3. Choose a destination volume from the VOLUME drop menu. Only currently
mounted volumes appear in the menu.
4. Click the EXPORT ALL button within the dialog overlay. All Snapshot data is
exported to the specified volume.