Model 4-710d Overview
A/D Conversion
The 4-710d conveniently provides eight channels of high-quality analog to digital (A/D) conversion
with digital output via AES/EBU DB-25 and ADAT optical connectors. No matter what task you give it,
the 4-710d can dramatically improve the quality of your audio environment. The 4-710d provides up to
eight channels of sterling sound quality for tracking, monitoring and mastering, with full support for
today’s higher sample rates of 88.2, 96, 176.4, and 192kHz. These capabilities make the 4-710d an
excellent front end for any digital audio workstation. The 4-710d delivers superb audio fidelity thanks
to its pristine Class-A analog signal path.
AES/EBU Digital Output
All eight channels of the 4-710d’s A/D converters are output in AES/EBU digital format on an industry-
standard DB-25 connector. The 4-710d AES/EBU output supports “Single Wire” mode at all available
4-710d sample rates (the AES/EBU output does not support “Dual Wire” mode at sample rates above
96 kHz).
ADAT Optical Digital Output
The 4-710d provides two standard ADAT optical digital output ports. At sample rates of 44.1kHz and
48kHz, all eight channels are output on both ADAT ports. At higher sample rates, industry standard
S/MUX™ multiplexing is used to maintain high-resolution transfers.
Word Clock I/O
Word clock input and output is provided for synchronizing (slaving) with external hardware devices.
Connections are via standard 75-ohm BNC connectors. Switchable 75-ohm termination is available.
Digital Metering
Digital output level metering for A/D conversion is provided by eight 2–segment LED displays. Each
channel has its own output indicator.
Digital meter behavior is described in #18 on page 13)