The Two Page, Two Minute Guide To Getting Started
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No one likes to read owner’s manuals. We know that.
We also know that you know what you’re doing—why else would you have bought our product?
So we’re going to try to make this as easy on you as possible. Hence this two-page spread, which we
estimate will take you approximately two minutes to read. It will tell you everything you need to know
to get your Universal Audio 1176AE up and running, without bogging you down with details.
Of course, even the most expert of us has to crack a manual every once in awhile. As the saying
goes, “as a last resort, read the instructions.” You’ll find those details you’re craving—a full
description of all front and rear panel controls, interconnection diagrams, insider’s secrets, history,
theory, maintenance information, block diagrams, specifications, even a glossary of terms—in the
pages that follow.
Getting Started With Your 1176AE:
Step 1:
Decide where the 1176AE is to be physically placed and place it there. The 1176AE is housed
in a standard two-rackspace 19" chassis, and so we recommend that it be securely mounted in a rack
if possible.
Step 2:
On the rear panel, make sure the voltage selector switch is set correctly for the voltage in
your area. On the right side of the front panel, make sure the bottom Meter button (OFF) is pressed in,
and then connect the supplied IEC power cable to the rear panel AC power connector.
Step 3:
Mute your monitors and then, using balanced cables with XLR connectors, make connections
to the 1176AE rear panel XLR line input and output. Most often, these connections will be to a patch
bay or to and from a channel or bus insert on a mixer. (
Alternatively, the rear panel terminal strip can
be used for input and output connections
see page 20 for information about its use
page 8 for an interconnection diagram
Manual conventions
Means that this is an especially useful tip
Means that this is an especially important bit of information
And when we need to direct you to a page or section elsewhere in the manual, we’ll use the universal
signs for rewind (
or fast forward (
Make only one type of input connection (XLR or terminal strip) to the 1176LN.
However, both outputs can be used simultaneously.