The Technical Stuff
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Maintenance Information
Zero Set
The 1176AE meter may occasionally need to be calibrated. This is accomplished by adjusting the
Zero Set potentiometer, located through a small hole on the front panel between the Input and Output
The procedure for adjusting the meter is as follows:
Power on the 1176AE.
Depress the Meter GR pushbutton.
Set the Input control fully off (turn the knob fully counterclockwise).
Use a small screwdriver to slowly adjust the Zero Set potentiometer so that the meter reads
0 dB. Watch how the meter settles before completing the calibration.
“Q” Bias
The compression threshold is set using R59. Under normal circumstances, this control does not need
to be adjusted. The threshold is dependent upon the specific characteristics of the VVR FET (Q1), and
it will be necessary to re-adjust it if Q1 is changed.
There are no user serviceable parts inside the 1176AE. Unit calibration as well as repair
should only be performed only by qualified service personnel. These calibration
procedures are provided only for use by qualified service technicians.
Never turn the screw on the meter itself! This is factory set and should not be altered.