MSR120 Programmer’s Manual UDN PM010, Rev. 1.1
Section 4 – Commands and Responses 2003/1/21
L (4Ch)
Green LED On
l (6Ch)
Green LED Off
M (4Dh)
Red LED On
m (6Dh)
Red LED Off
1 Turn green/red LED on/off, as specified.
2 Transmit "ACK".
( (28h)
Green LED Flash
) (29h)
Red LED Flash
1 Begin flashing the specified LED on and off (approximately 250mSec On and 250mSec Off). Continues
flashing until changed by another LED command or by continued interrupt mode operation.
2 Transmit "ACK".
Z (5Ah)
One Long Beep
z (7Ah)
One Short Beep
1 The buzzer beeps a long (approx. 0.5mSec)/short (approx. 0.2mSec) beep.
2 Transmit "ACK".
DC3 (13h)
Pause Transmit
Stop transmitting data.
DC1 (11h)
Resume Transmit
Resume transmission of data.
T (54h)
Card Type Report
Transmit a byte, which represent the swiping card type.
1 (31H) CA old DMV
2 (32H) AAMVA
3 (33H) ISO
4 (34H) JIS
6 (36H) Trade Show Card
0 (30H) No data (sending T command just right after power on)
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