8.Setting Procedure
Sample of ladder program
Rewriting HH value to CODE No.0 by Request flag 2, the HH value are increased from 0 to
99999 in succession.
Use CPU:
Station No.:
Slot of Master:
3 (The relay area to be used is X60 to X7F and Y60 to Y7F.)
In detail refer to CC-Link System Master Local Unit User Manual (Detailed Section)
Model: AJ/A1SJ61BT11-U (Refer to before or after 6-4 pages)
After Writing in and Reading out HH value, compares each value then increases its value if each
value coincides. It repeated up to 99999 and returns 0 after reaching 99999.
0 to 121 row
Initial setting for Communication speed
96 row
Remote device F372A/F377A occupies 4 stations of PLC start from station 1.
125 row
RX PLC read value from F372A/F377A
135 row
RWr PLC read value from F372A/F377A
145 row
Copying Reguest flag 2 response to M200
202 row
Writing HH value
269 row
Reading HH value
298 row
Copying read value to D302
327 row
Comparing the value written in and the value read out.
When each value coinsides with proceeds to 159 row.
340 row
Data Initialization
Initial setting
After confirming Request flag 2 response OFF, writes the value of D300 into HH.
After confirming Request flag 2 response ON, turns OFF Request flag 2.
After confirming Request flag 2 response OFF, requests reading out HH.
After confirming Request flag 2 response ON, reads out the value (D302)
Compares D300 with D302
Sequence completion
"0" is substituted for D300
When Conform to
When Not conform to
then turns Request flag2 OFF.