Sageon II 200A (N+1) Power Distribution System
PM990-5202-200, Rev. 6
2.4.2 Lightning and Transient Suppression
Rectifiers contain basic transient suppression in the form of metal oxide varistors (MOVs). MOVs are
installed from L1 to L2, L1 to earth, and L2 to earth. They are sized to provide protection from line
transients in an industrial environment according to ANSI C62.41-1991 for Class B3 equipment and IEC
Supplementary transient protection is needed in a more severe environment with, for example, a high
incidence of lightning strikes (indirect or direct) and/or severe switching transients beyond the levels
indicated in the above standards. Install higher rated suppression devices to the AC electrical service
where appropriate.
2.4.3 User’s AC Electrical Service Panel
The AC electrical service panel and wiring from the service panel to the Sageon 200A is
supplied by the user.
Electrical shock hazard – Remove power from all involved wires and terminals before proceeding.
Determine the number of AC breaker positions needed. Allow one breaker position for each rectifier
to be installed in the Sageon 200A. Alternatively, up to two rectifiers can be fed from one breaker
provided the breaker and wiring meet local and national electrical code requirements.
Select a location for the service panel. Locate the service panel as close as possible to the Sageon
200A. Wiring between the service panel and the Sageon 200A should be kept as short as possible. A
long wire run or too small a cable can cause a significant voltage drop interfering with rectifier
operation and causing a fire hazard.