UBio-X Pro2 User Guide
Addr : 12F, Munjeong Daemyeong Valeon bldg, 127 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu,
Seoul, Korea (zip code: 05836)
Tel: +82-2-6488-3000, Fax: +82-2-6488-3099,
E-Mail :[email protected]; http://www.unioncomm.co.kr
3.5.2. Function key
The following window appears if you select the
[Function key]
in the
main menu.
Basic setting: Same with the window at the left side.
Fn key
It means the
, Access button used to
change the authentication mode such as attendance
and leaving, and if you click the Fn key, the
authentication mode is changed to the mode. Because
only the checked buttons are represented on the basic
window, you can use with unchecking other function
keys when using as device only for the attendance or
If you check ‘Extended Key’, you can add the
authentication mode except for the existing key.
to apply the set value, and click
button to move to the previous