: A call connection
be established to enable operation of the second and
third emergency call/alarm number when the handset has registered on the HiPath
3000/OpenScape Business or HiPath/OpenScape 4000. All other systems only
support dialing of one emergency call or alarm number.
For HiPath 3000/OpenScape Business, emergency and alarm call numbers are only
supported from within the same system. Call waiting protection for these emergency
numbers must be set to ON. The functionality of the emergency and alarm numbers
in the handset must be checked after the configuration.
If a prealarm is signalled during a call, you have to first confirm the prealarm in order
to prevent the pending alarm. You can then continue the call.
Operating modes
A31003-M2000-M103-2-76A9, 07/2014
Alarm and Emergency Call Configuration, Administrator Documentation
Alarm Mode: Freely configurable monitoring
Alarm Mode: Freely configurable monitoring
PNG Mode
should be used for BGR 139 compliant configuration.
All alarms can be freely configured in
Alarm Mode
of the OpenStage M3 Plus and
OpenStage M3 Ex Plus handsets. Alarm Mode only works in conjunction with an alarm server.
The alarm parameters can be configured freely. Adjust the handset to your requirements.
Monitoring is activated and deactivated directly via the handset. A function test is performed for
the alarm elements when monitoring is activated.
PNG Mode: Monitoring in compliance with BGR 139
All settings that are non BGR 139-compliant are not permitted for BGR 139
PNG Mode
of the OpenStage M3 Plus and OpenStage M3 Ex Plus handsets provides the
option of BGR 139-compliant triggering of alarms on a HiPath 4000. Monitoring in compliance
with BGR 139 only works in conjunction with an alarm server.
Appropriately trained service personnel are responsible for the BGR 139-compliant
configuration of the handset and BGR 139-compliant usage.
This guide describes the options for configuring the handset. Reference is thereby made to the
BGR 139-compliant settings.