A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
Quick Start
Date and Time / SNTP
An SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) server provides the current date and time for network
clients. The IP address of an SNTP server can be given by DHCP.
In order to provide the correct time, it is required to give the time zone offset, i.e. the shift in
hours to be added to the UTC time provided by the SNTP server.
The following DHCP options are required:
SNTP IP Address (option #42 "NTP Servers"): IP Address or hostname of the SNTP server
to be used by the phone.
Time zone offset (option #2 "Time Offset"): Offset in seconds in relationship to the UTC
time provided by the SNTP server. For manual configuration of date and time see 3.5.5
Date and Time.
SIP Server Address
The IP Address or hostname of the SIP server can be provided by DHCP.
The option’s name and code are as follows:
option #120 "SIP Servers DHCP Option". For manual configuration of the SIP server ad-
dress see SIP Addresses.
Extended Network Configuration
To have constant access to other subnets, you can enter a total of two more network destina-
tions. For each further domain/subnet you wish to use, first the IP address for the destination,
and then that of the router must be given. The option’s name and code are as follows:
option #33 "Static Routing Table"
For manual configuration of specific/static routing see Section 3.4.6, “Specific IP Routing”.
Also the DNS domain wherein the phone is located can be specified by DHCP. The option’s
name and code are as follows:
option #15 "Domain Name"
For manual configuration of the DNS domain name see Section, “DNS Domain
Vendor Specific: VLAN Discovery and DLS Address
The VLAN ID can also be configured by LLDP-MED (see Automatic VLAN discovery
using LLDP-MED).