A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
Quick Start
1) Log on as administrator to the WBM by entering the access data for your phone.
2) In the Administrator menu (left column), select System > System Identity to open the "Sys-
tem Identity" dialog. Enter the terminal number, i. e. the SIP name / phone number. For further
information, please refer to Terminal Identity.
Basic Network Configuration
For basic functionality, DHCP must provide the following parameters:
IP Address
: IP Address for the phone.
Subnet Mask (option #1)
: Subnet mask of the phone.
Default Route (option #3 "Router")
: IP Address of the default gateway which is used for
connections beyond the subnet.
DNS IP Addresses (option #6 "Domain Server")
: IP Addresses of the primary and
secondary DNS servers.
If no DHCP server is present, see Section 3.4.4, “IP Address - Manual Configuration” for IP ad-
dress and subnet mask, and Section 3.4.5, “Default Route/Gateway” for the default route.
DHCP Resilience
It is possible to sustain network connectivity in case of DHCP server failure. If DHCP lease re-
use is activated, the phone will keep its DHCP-based IP address even if the lease expires. To
prevent address conflicts, the phone will send ARP requests in 5 second intervals. Additionally,
it will send discovery messages periodically to obtain a new DHCP lease.
Step by Step
In the left column, select Network > IPv4 configuration. Select the check box to enable DHCP
lease reuse.