A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
Corporate Phonebook: Directory Settings
Corporate Phonebook: Directory Settings
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol enables access to a directory server via an LDAP
client. Various personal information is stored there, e.g. the name, organization, and contact
data of persons working in an organization. When the LDAP client has found a person’s data,
e. g. by looking up the surname, the user can call this person directly using the displayed num-
For connecting the phone’s LDAP client to an LDAP server, the required access data must be
configured. The parameter
Server address
specifies the IP address of the LDAP server. The
defines whether the phone has to continue to use an unencrypted TCP
connection to the LDAP server, or to use an encrypted TLS connection to a separate LDAPS
port on the LDAP server, or to use an encrypted TLS connection to a separate LDAPS port on
the LDAP server. Depending on the setting of
Secure Port
(for TLS) or the
Server port
(for TCP) are to be defined. If the
is not set to "Anonymous", the
user must authenticate himself with the server by providing a
User name
and a corresponding
. The user name and password are defined by the administrator. The user name is
the string in the LDAP bind request, e. g. "C=GB,O=SIEMENS
COMM,OU=COM,L=NTH,CN=BAYLIS MICHAEL". The internal structure will depend on the
specific corporate directory.
For a quick guide on setting up LDAP on an OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600 phone,
please refer to Section 5.3, “How to Set Up the Corporate Phonebook (LDAP)”.
A search field for LDAP requests is supported. The search string is submitted to the LDAP serv-
er as soon as the OK key is pressed or when the
Search trigger timeout
Data required
LDAP Server address
: IP address or hostname of the LDAP server.
: Defines Transport mode, whether LDAP interface uses TCP and is unencrypt-
ed, or uses TLS and is encrypted.
Value range: "TCP", "TLS"
Default: "TCP"
Secure Port
: Defines the port of the appropriate TLS interface on LDAP server when
is set to TLS.
Default: "636"
The OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600 phones support LDAPv3.