Configuration Hints for PBXs
OpenScape Voice (OSV) V9
A31003-C1020-S100-03-7620, 12/2017
OpenScape Cordless IP V2, Service Documentation
5.3.4 Limitations
One HPCIP user can communicate with one SIP-server-address only. A
failover of a 2nd SIP-server-IP-address is not supported yet as an alternative
DNSSRV can be used.
Limited UC-functionality if OpenScape web client is used
Limited feature Pickup-Group for HPCIP-User (no audible/visible Call-
Indication at Handset)
"Direct Signaling" is only supported for for SIP Transport Protocol UDP. TCP
is not supported currently.
restriction: use the setting of the HPCIP user in OSV with “SRTP Disabled”
to avoid interworking problems with other SRTP enabled devices.