Copyright 2017 Unifire
Thermocouple High Temperature Trip Enable/Disable
The TC input can be used as a high temperature trip on the appliance. For example bath heaters may use
a thermocouple for a high bath temperature trip or it may be used for a stack temperature trip. The TC
input can only be used with a Type K thermocouple. If set as a high temperature trip the TC input cannot
be used as a flame detection source.
Thermocouple Setpoint [0:1:1200°C]
The thermocouple setpoint is either set to the process temperature at which high temperature trip is to
be detected or to a flame temperature when used as a flame detection source.
4-20mA Analogue Input Enable/Disable
The AI input can be configured as a process transmitter trip. If enabled the configured high and low trip
set points shall result in de-energizing of all outputs and the module will enter the lock-out state. The
transmitter scaling/transfer function will be required for factory configuration.
4-20mA Pressure Transmitter Enable/Disable
The AI input may be used as a fuel pressure transmitter. When enabled the transmitter high and low trip
setpoints shall be monitored during light-off. Typically the transmitter will be located between the
double block valves of the main valve train. The trip is automatically bypassed until 2 seconds after the
DO2 and DO3 solenoids are energized. Then high or low pressure conditions shall result in de-energizing
of all outputs and the module will enter the lock-out state.
4-20mA Transmitter High High/Low Low Trip Setpoints [0:0.1:20mA]
When the AI input is enabled for use the High and Low trip setpoints must be configured. Low may be
set artificially high and vice versa to deliver only Low or High process trips respectively.
Low Power Output Settings
The output drivers DO1, DO2 and DO3 are possible to configure for PWM operation. If required the duty
cycle and frequency of the appliance valves/solenoids is configured individually for each output. For
solenoids that required a peak and hold drive waveform the pull-in or peak duration is also configured.
Duty Cycle 0:1:100%
Frequency 0:1:500MHz
Pull-in/Peak Period 0:1:4000ms
End User Equipment Tag
A twelve character alphanumeric equipment tag may be pre-programmed in the device.