Uniden UH001 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание UH001

Страница 1: ... ons 2 0 sasse b y nsirucl l tsackDagranr 5 A g n ni Proceaure iro b shool ng tsinis 6 if PCB Top and BotloD efrs E ll ir fl D nn 2i E eclrl a Paflsl sl 21 Erp oded V ew 35 N i char cal Pa ls Lisi 3 q vora c chart 5i 5 od o d tl v A tl tr v lC nlerr l O agranrs Schcnratic Diagranr ...

Страница 2: ...ONDITIONS Power Source A tenna lmpedance Test Temperature lv4odu latl on Frequ ency l 4ean Signal Inp t Level Refefence Audio Output Power Ref rence ivlodulatlon Devlatlon Audio Output Lead T 3 8V DC 50 ohm 11 F 2s C l kHz R X IX 1000pV 500mW 3 kHz Deviat on 8 ohm res stlvc TRANSl 4ITTE R SECTION Frequency Tolerance at 77 F 25 C 5 Fninutes after switch on Carrler Power Spurlous Emisslon 416 3625 M...

Страница 3: ...Ratio Oscillator DropoLrt Voltage Cr rrrent Drain at No Signa Current Drain at l 4aximum Output UNIT dB dB dB dB dB dB 3 8 55 3 2 40 0 25 1 60 90 I 300 800 0to B 4 ro 12 45 2 1 5 30 1 0 0 5 to 2 40 60 11 450 1240 NOMINAL LIMIT 0 25 0 5 NOTE Nominal specs represent the design specs A I units should be able to approximate thes3 some rl I exceed and some may drop sllghtly below these specs Limit spec...

Страница 4: ...BLOCK DIAGRAM v 5 I il l LJl r ET ti e F i ...

Страница 5: ...ALIGI IMENT PROCEDURE r 1i I r t f r ie B jr ffi i l Lii 5 J LJ o 1 r e l i rO 6 r i a ir r l i ir l _ i _ 6 ...

Страница 6: ... Attenuator 2 Alignment Procedure STEP BESET TO ADJUSTMENT REMABKS CH 40 L24 Conoect DC voltmerer to or oscil oscope to TPl Adlu for 3 0V re dlns 2 CH 40 L2l Connecl osciloscope io TP2 Adjust lor maximum anrpl lude 3 CH 40 Ll0 Co nect lreq eicy counler to TP2 Adjust for adi ol 152 0 tvlHz 150 H Note Voltage atTPl shouLd be higherthan 2V in TX mode at CHl and 1 a 4_5V in RX mode ar channes 1 40 3 T...

Страница 7: ...5 Vlax CTI Ce ter CTz Center FT5 Connect DC voltmeter to TP4 Adj st for max amplitude Bepeat two limes 2 Connect BF power meter to ANT Termlnal Aclj st ior max power Repeat two times cTl Adjust powerto5 0W wiih CT1 roizlins in di ectlon which increases capacity 129 Connect fr quency co nter Adjust for anten na frequency of 476 90 l Hz 1150 Hz 30mV I kHz Connect linear detector to ANT termiia Adjos...

Страница 8: ...EP PBESET TO ADJUSTMENT B EI 1A8 KS VOL N4 x SO r 4 n CH 20 L6 Co nect SSG 476 900 llHz io ANT Tem na dno AF Voltm tef 10 EXT SP Jlck Adjust L6 Ior max o tput Temporarity roiate L6 so rhat cofe s flrrsh wlih top of cot bobbin then fotate it co terclockwjs fof max ourpLrl 2 Keep ANT input so rhar li provides always s N of 12 dB Fr 1 2 6 13 4 5 AdlLrsl to oblain the besl S N 3 Adjusi RTl 50 rhar rhe...

Страница 9: ... at CH1 R X and 3V at 40CH TX on TPl Check whethe voltage reading on collector of TR29 is approx 7V Check whether each channel freqLrency rnatches the frequency indlcated in frequencY chart Defectlve X tal X3 TX X4 R X or poor sol0erlng Defective Vcc line 7 5V Check whether channel Programs on Pins T 0 thru 17 of log are as specified in the chart Defectlve 1C7 ICB Rota y Switch or Poor soldering C...

Страница 10: ...then PLL ls OK C Short CircLrlt ln Transmltter Clrcuitry Voltage at the collector of TR30 should be rnore than 7V TX mode lf voltage reading is less than 7V al the co lector of T830 check D21 or mlcrophone circuitry D lf vo tage is more than 0 5V at the ernitter of TB 14 preceedlng stages are corTect DOES NOT RECEIVE Before troLrbleshooting be sure that the squelch control is set ful y countercloc...

Страница 11: ...1 15A 417_175 477 20A 471 225 471 250 417 275 477 300 411 325 411 350 471 375 477 440 151 6750 151 6833 151 6916 151 7000 151 7083 151 7166 151 7250 151 7333 I51 7416 r 51 7500 r51 7583 _ 151 7666 151 7750 151 7833 151 7916 I51 8000 151_8083 151 8166 r51 8250 151 8333 151 8416 151 8500 15r 8583 151_8666 151 8750 151 8833 I51 8916 151 9000 151 9083 151_9166 I51 9250 151 9333 151 9416 151 9500 151 9...

Страница 12: ...PC TOP AND BOTTOM VIEWS MAIN PCB TOP VIEW ffi sla W l 96 B6 16 ...

Страница 13: ...MAIN PCB BOTTOIV VIEW 17 ...


Страница 15: ...FRONT PCB BOTTOM VtEW TOP V I EW _rlaa I qf l E I Etr t t t _ _ tyE l t Rl Lltl v 1 pl il_ lt I F 5 3 i Jt ir ...

Страница 16: ...J 505 JKO52 WIRING DIAGRAM w4 cRY 5 t40 3 w5 GRY 5 t40 3 J 501 JK312 ANT LUG WASHER M4 a 340 s i Lo a sE sP50l sPo5l POW ER dl J o R 4l i ro 60 to lf t I 1 tlcLtER t44 g t27l t 14 t 1272 20 ...

Страница 17: ...4 0 0 2 2 3 0 1 8 8 0 pPC1242H RX 0 2 O 1 1 0 0 6 9 lc5 8A715 TX 8 0 4 4 3 4 0 4 2 2 4 8 0 rc6 H Al TBOBW RX 2 6 0 TX 8 0 0 rc9 MBB789 RX 0 1 0 1 0 4 0 4 8 8 0 2 4 8 0 0 Name P N tc7 tMc14008BCP lc8 r rc14008BcP tc9 t 188789 l L 2 H 3 L 4 L L 5 H 6 H H 7 H I L L I H 10 L H tl L L L 12 L L 13 H H L L H 16 H H L 11 38 ...

Страница 18: ...TX 80 0 TR2 6 2S47 P TX 7 2 6 1 4 TRlO 2SCl6751 21 6 4 2 5 ra21 2SC2668 O TX 0 1 12 0 2SC945AO TX 65 8 0 6 3 o1 t l 0 0 8 0 TR28 2SC2668 O 1 9 6 6 1 3 1R12 2SC234 t TX 3 4 l5 3 7 I g 6 6 1 3 3 4 1 8 3 5 T R29 2SC266810 TX l l 5 4 2 4 TR13 2SC26681O TX 1 2 5 8 r9 3 0 5 6 2 J 2 O 56 12 T R3A UNL TX 7 2 1 9 8 0 25C3t 28 TX 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 8 0 TR15 2Sa t2a 05 2 1 TR31 2SC3242AE TX 0 8 0 o TR 16 25K330GF...

Страница 19: ...NODE 1S2075K 1S2339G 1SS91G ANODF 1N6OP ANODE t1t 301 Ml 308 ANODE 2S8525 E UN oooooooo oooooooo TLG 124 TLG 124A CATHODE CATH OD E CATHODE CATHO D E ANODE 2SC2668 O T RAN S ISTO RS B BASE E El 4ITTE R Cr CO LLECTO R 25C32424 E 25C9454 Q P 2SC1674 L 25C2347 2SA733 P FET S SOU RCE D DRAlN G GATE 2SK33O GR 2SC312B 2SC3337 25C2131 2SC3019 2SC3021 ffi W t_ t_l l l 1 1 1 CATHO D E ...

Страница 20: ... c o F l t rlt OJ i 1 1 1 l j I i r t i ...
