Replacing Piping (T-joints, elbows, straight pipes, synflex tubes, and connecting tubes)
It is recommended that you replace piping at the same time as replacing diaphragms.
Use tools 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8
Remove pump panels 1 and 2, piping, pump heads and valve retainers. This
procedure is the same as steps (1)-(4) of 2)-1 Removing Pump Heads in 2)
Replacing Diaphragms.
Replace the piping (T-joints, elbows, straight pipes, synflex tubes, and connecting
tubes) with new parts.
Note: When replacing piping, lightly apply vacuum grease to the connecting areas
of the piping and then connect the piping.
After replacing piping, use the same procedure as 2)-3 Fitting Pump Heads in 2)
Replacing Diaphragms to reassemble the unit.
DAL-181D Piping to be Replaced
Terminal Block side
Fan side
L-shaped hose
Straight pipe
Piping for DAL-181D
Unit with pump heads and
piping fitted
Top View
Connecting tube
Synflex tube
Straight pipe
Straight pipe