C o p y r i g h t b y U h l - I n s t r u m e n t s M a n u a l
Seite 32
The overload LED lights up when the Vent II is overdriven!!!!!!
This situation should be avoided, as otherwise inharmonious cliffs negatively affect the sound.
In the state of the organ is actually only if you turn up the Drive Amp122, so here how to work with the "Drive
Amp122" and the "Master Volume control":
With the “Master Volume”, the overall volume can be withdrawn or adjusted. If, for example, the overdrive
control "Drive Amp122" is turned up, the overall level becomes considerably louder. This can also lead to the
override of the Vent II. In this case, the "Overload-Led" lights up. This too high level must then be adjusted with
the “Master Volume” control (turn to the left).
Drive Amp12
2: The Amp122 is a complex overdrive. The "characteristics and peculiarities" of the 12BH7 and the
two 6550 Tubes were perfectly reproduced. The beginning and the intensity of the overdrive depends on how
far and how many drawbars are pulled, while the position of the Expression-Pedal has great influence (as in the
Original). It takes some practice to properly master the overdrive.
If the amount of distortion is high, use the Master Volume knob to decrease the overall level - the Overload LED
should not light steadily.
Tip: "Drive Amp122" combine with the "Drive” of the Vent II - brings finest and perfect Overdrive results!