S6301-56ST Hardware Installation Guide | 9
AC Version PSU Overview
1+1, hot swappable power supply unit (PSU) field replaceable unit (FRU). There are two types of AC
PSUs. The picture on the left is the AC PSU with back-to-front airflow, identified with a blue latch.
The picture on the right is the AC PSU for front-to-back airflow, identified with a red latch.
Back-to-Front Airflow PSU
Front-to-Back Airflow PSU
Figure 8.
The AC power supply units are the same size for both back-to-front airflow and front-to-back
airflow. Therefore, only the dimensions for front-to-back airflow PSU will be provided in the figure
(Front-to-Back Airflow PSU)
Figure 9.