If you have questions about your authenticated user name or password, contact your Network Administrator or technical staff in
charge of the IPU-360 configuration (SIP server).
Basic Alphanumeric characters are recommended (standard ASCII codes between 32 and 126), excluding special characters or
accents to avoid to block the access in case of any network device or the server does not understand these characters.
Remote Port (format: XXXXX):
Local Port (format: XXXXX):
UDP Remote Port (format: XXXXX):
UDP Local Port (format: XXXXX):
Device extension (username) (from 4 to 8 numbers):
Extensions from 1000 to 1999: Decoders
Extensions from 2000 to 2999: Audio codifiers
Extensions from 3000 to 3999: Music on hold equipments (do not use in other codifiers/decoders configuration)
Extensions from 4000 to 4999: IP desk control (with IPU-100P).
Codifier extension between 2000 and 2499, do not activate the TM OUT in the decoder.
Codifier extension between 2500 and 2999, activate the TM OUT in the decoder.
All extensions between 4000 and 4999 will activate the decoder TM OUT.
1589 4001
Define the management TCP port used by the IPU-360 (SIP server) to communicate with our IPU-100.
The standard default value in the device is 05060, you should keep to ensure compatibility with different SIP servers.
Remember to always use a configuration with 5 digits.
Remote Port:
Define the management TCP port used by the IPU-100 to communicate with the IPU-360 (SIP server).
The standard default value in the device is 05060, you should keep to ensure compatibility with different SIP servers.
Remember to always use a configuration with 5 digits.
Local Port:
Defines the data transmission UDP port (Voice / INFO) used by the IPU-360 (SIP server) to communicate with the IPU-100. The standard
default value is 00000 (automatic mode), you should keep this value to ensure compatibility with different SIP servers.
Remember to always use a configuration with 5 digits.
UDP Remote Port:
Defines the data transmission UDP port (Voice / INFO) used by the IPU-100 to communicate with the IPU-360 (SIP server) on the installation.
The standard default value is 05004 and it is recommended to keep compatibility with different SIP servers.
Remember to always use a configuration with 5 digits.
UDP Local Port:
It is the IPU-100 SIP identifier for registering to the IPU-360 (SIP server) to be identified as unique equipment in the SIP net, of the public
address by IP protocol.
In the systems with UDE Audio equipments, the extensions must be contained in a specific rank:
Choose the extension number depending in which application the IPU-100 should work.
Some extensions ranks have additional features:
Local Extension:
Authen. Device Extension (Username): (
Max: 8 alphanumeric characters
Defines the user id in the system when it is working in a secure transmission mode.
Authen. ID:
This parameter is optional, if not required then leave it blank.
User Manual - IPU-100P
Rev. 0