C099-F9P - User guide
UBX-18063024 - R16
Firmware update
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ODIN-W2 firmware update
Users have a choice to run two distinct firmware variants in ODIN-W2. By factory default, the
ODIN-W2 module in C099-F9P runs dedicated Mbed application firmware.
Mbed OS 3 application firmware
The latest released binary is available via the u-blox GitHub repository:
You can update the firmware on ODIN-W2 with the following toolset:
Through ODIN-W2 UART1 by using stm32flash.exe
It is recommended to download the stm32flash.exe command-line tool from the STM website or
from Sourceforge:
Place the downloaded stm32flash executable in the same folder with the FW binary and check for
the correct ODIN-W2 COM port number in the Device Manager (Windows users).
To ensure no settings persist over the firmware versions, it is recommended to revert to factory
default before uploading new firmware. See section 4.4.1 Revert to factory default for
Prior to firmware upload, ODIN-W2 must be started in safeboot mode. Proceed by placing a
safeboot jumper and reboot C099-F9P. The locations of the safeboot pin header and the reset
button are depicted in Figure 6. To confirm that ODIN-W2 started in safeboot mode, check that
the ODIN-W2 activity LED remains off. Use the following command structure in PowerShell or a
command prompt to start the firmware upload:
.\stm32flash.exe -b 115200 -w <c099mbed3.bin> -S 0x8000000 COM<port number>
To confirm a successful firmware upload, remove the safeboot jumper and restart the device. The
ODIN-W2 activity LED lights up.
Figure 31: Power shell capture of FW upload
u-connectXpress software
To utilize the standard ODIN-W2 connectivity stack, a firmware update is required.