PBE-M5-620 Qu ck Start Gu de
Reset Button
Release Button
Th s G gab t Ethernet port s used to connect the power and should be connected to
the LAN and DHCP server.
To reset to factory defaults, press and hold the Reset button for more than 10
seconds wh le the dev ce s powered on. Alternat vely, the dev ce may be reset
remotely v a a Reset button located on the bottom of the G gab t PoE Adapter.
After you assemble the PowerBeam, check the Release button; t should be fully
engaged n the Release Button Slot of the Rear Hous ng. Th s ensures that the
Antenna Feed s locked nto place. If you need to remove the Antenna Feed, you
must depress the Release button f rst.
PBE-M5-620 Qu ck Start Gu de