104362-08 - 1/23
Alliance SL
Installation, Operating & Service Instructions
U.S Boiler Company, LLC – (herein called the Company) intends that this Alliance SL™ Indirect-
Fired Water Heater be used as a separate zone to a heating system boiler.
The company specifically does not warrant this tank for high temperature applications such as
wood stoves or applications that supply steam to the Alliance SL heat exchanger coil. Such use
of this product will automatically void the warranty. The Alliance SL can be used with any steam
boiler as long as hot water is supplied to the indirect water heater as prescribed in this manual.
The design anticipates the proper installation and care in use of the product. There is risk of
property damage and personal injury inherent in the use of any hot water system. The Company
cannot supervise the installation and therefore makes it a specific condition of the warranty that
the customer will supervise the installation and use of this product to be sure they are performed
in accordance with safe guidelines and proper local or national codes.
Generalized instructions and procedures cannot anticipate all situations. For this reason, only
qualified installers should perform the installation. A qualified installer is a person who has
licensed training and a working knowledge of the applicable codes, regulations, tools, equipment
and methods necessary for safe installation of a boiler system and an indirect water heater.
An installation checklist has been provided to help the customer ensure that all procedures for a
safe installation have been followed.
If questions regarding installation arise, check with your local plumbing and electrical inspectors
for proper procedures and codes. Local codes take a precedent over instructions in this manual.
General Information