1213 IH-192
paper cutter
tO AssEmblE FOr cOuntErtOP usE
1. remove paper cutter from box and grasp the
bottom crossbars. Pull these crossbars apart until
they lock in the open position. (see Figure 1)
NOTe: Use caution when unpacking paper
cutters with serrated blades.
2. Insert the included rubber feet into the holes on the
crossbars. (see Figure 2)
3. set the cutter upright (rubber feet down) on the
workstation. With one hand on the dowel, pull the
blade towards the workstation top until the blade
locks into the open position. (see Figure 3)
NOTe: blade is spring loaded. Use exceptional
caution with serrated blade units.
4. remove the dowel and slide it through the core of
the material intended for use on the cutter. core
plugs with 1" openings are included and are
recommended for use with this product.
5. Place the exposed ends of the dowel into the dowel
sockets, one on either side of the cutter. carefully
push the blade towards the material until the blade
rests securely against the roll.
6. Feed material through the underside of the blade to
dispense and tear.
WAll mOuntInG InstructIOns
1. Follow step 1 of the counter top instructions.
2. With appropriate hardware (not included), mount
cutter to desired surface through the holes in the
crossbars. mount with blade facing the ceiling.
3. Follow steps 3-5 of the counter top instructions to
load the cutter.
4. Feed the material away from the wall to dispense
and tear.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3