SARA-G3 series - System Integration Manual
UBX-13000995 - R06
Objective Specification
System description
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FOAT procedure
The application processor must proceed in the following way:
Send the AT+UFWUPD command through UART interface, specifying the file type and the desired
baud rate
Reconfigure serial communication at selected baud rate, without flow control with the used protocol
Send the new FW image via the used protocol
For more details, refer to the
Firmware Update Application Note [22].
Firmware upgrade Over The Air (FOTA)
Not supported by SARA-G300 and SARA-G310 modules.
Supported upon request on SARA-G350 modules.
This feature allows upgrading the module Firmware over the air, i.e. over the GSM network. The main
idea with updating Firmware over the air is to reduce the amount of data required for transmission to the
module. This is achieved by downloading only a “delta file” instead of the full firmware. The delta
contains only the differences between the two firmware versions (old and new), and is compressed.
For more details, refer to the
Firmware Update Application Note [22].