SARA-G3 series - System Integration Manual
UBX-13000995 - R06
Objective Specification
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u-blox Technical Documentation
As part of our commitment to customer support, u-blox maintains an extensive volume of technical
documentation for our products. In addition to our product-specific technical data sheets, the following
manuals are available to assist u-blox customers in product design and development.
AT Commands Manual:
This document provides the description of the supported AT commands by the
SARA-G3 series modules to verify all implemented functionalities.
System Integration Manual:
This manual provides hardware design instructions and information on how to
set up production and final product tests.
Application Note:
document provides general design instructions and information that applies to all u-blox
Wireless modules. See Related documents section for a list of Application Notes related to your
Wireless Module.
How to use this Manual
The SARA-G3 series System Integration Manual provides the necessary information to successfully design
in and configure these u-blox wireless modules.
This manual has a modular structure. It is not necessary to read it from the beginning to the end.
The following symbols are used to highlight important information within the manual:
An index finger points out key information pertaining to module integration and performance.
A warning symbol indicates actions that could negatively impact or damage the module.
If you have any questions about u-blox Wireless Integration:
Read this manual carefully.
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Read the questions and answers on our FAQ database on the homepage
Technical Support
Worldwide Web
Our website (www.u-blox.com) is a rich pool of information. Product information, technical documents and
helpful FAQ can be accessed 24h a day.
By E-mail
Contact the nearest of the Technical Support offices by email. Use our service pool email addresses rather
than any personal email address of our staff. This makes sure that your request is processed as soon as
possible. You will find the contact details at the end of the document.