EVK-M8BZOE User Guide
UBX-17053592 - R03
Early Production Information
Testing Super-E mode
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Super-E mode has two settings for power optimization targets. The optimization target is set with optTarget field
and is used with any update rate selected. The “performance” (default) provides an optimum compromise
between position accuracy vs. power consumption. Additional power savings up to 15-20% can be achieved with
the “power save” setting, but at the expense of position accuracy.
Use first UBX-CFG-PMS to select the power mode, followed by UBX-CFG-PM2 to modify the settings if
needed. Sending UBX-CFG-PMS after UBX-CFG-PM2 resets the fields in UBX-CCFG-PM2.
Figure 5: Extended Power Management message UBX-CFG-PM2. Main use is to set update periods longer than 1 s, adjusting initial
acquisition period, and to select the Super-E optTarget. NOTE: u-center v8.29 or later displays the optTarget options correctly.